There is power in prayer and power in the prayer of blessing. When you pray and bless your food to bring strength to your body, that is exactly what happens. Since we know that Jesus laid hands on people as He ministered healing, you can place your hands in an arch around the edges of your plate of food as you pray for it, and this will send the energy of your body and the Holy Spirit within your body into the food. It is a way of pre-digesting the food and preparing it for maximum nourishment to your body. There is power in your hands, which is a reason you rub a hurt. Add the energy of your hands and the blessing of the Holy Spirit to your food before you consume it.
Go Deeper - Get Healthy!
Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?
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