LaWanda – ♪♪ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. There’s just something about that Name. Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all heaven and earth proclaim. Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there’s something about that Name.” ♪♪ Oh yes, Lord, there is something about your Name. It speaks Savior. It speaks Love. It speaks Mighty King. It speaks Lover of our souls. Your Name is EVERYTHING, Lord, and we praise You. We give You honor as the Name above ALL names. Thank you, Jesus, precious Jesus, that we can know You as all those things…and even more. Thank you, precious Jesus, our Lord and our God.
We see you today, Lord, again pouring oil over us and speaking words of life to us as you pour. This time it is the oil of productivity. You are telling us that in this NEW season we will be more productive than we have ever been before - in both the physical realm AND in the spiritual realm. You tell us that the reason for this is very simple. As we have continued to come to the secret place and allowed you to work in us there, this productivity is the fruit that will come out of that. You are indeed a rewarder of those who diligently seek you. O Jesus, this is so exciting. Your word says that you will take us from glory to glory and that is exactly what this feels like. The physical realm is necessary, Lord, but the joy that comes from being productive WITH and FOR you in the spiritual realm is indescribable!!! “Joy unspeakable and full of glory” says it perfectly. Thank you, Jesus, our precious Savior and King!
Jesus – My dear ones, these are exciting times, but not when you look in the natural. In the natural, evil abounds and appears to be taking over. But the natural is not your home. Oh, you live there now and clearly must deal with it, but your home is with ME and that gives you power over ALL that will come against you in the natural. And it WILL come. Yes, Satan will continue to poke and prod, looking for an old wound where he had success in the past – like shame. What he does not know is that I have healed that wound in you and all that remains is a scar. There is no opening for him to enter, but because he sees the scar, remembering the success that he had in the past, he will continue to try. Dear ones, that scar is there for one reason only…to remind YOU of the victory of My healing it. No pain remains in that scar - only joy and thanksgiving - and that is why you can so easily share it. For whom the Son sets free is free INDEED! O my precious, dear ones, there is much to be thankful for. MUCH!
“There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God, where they sit near Him and receive the revelation secrets of His promises.” Psalm 25:14 TPT
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