I have been a Christian for 26 years and served in various ministry leadership opportunities for nearly the same period of time. Although I went through good discipleship training programs as a young man, and even though I have studied the Bible for all those years, nothing has intentionally worked on my personal intimacy with Christ in such guided, diligent and detailed fashion as my courses with CLU. I have now completed 2 courses (Hearing God’s Voice and Counseled by God).
This has been more than a study. It’s been a journey with the Lord - an experience of a lifetime. Every leader needs to come to a place of personal healing, personal transformation and redirection. That’s what I have encountered here. The Psalmist uses the word “selah” as a moment of pause to imply preparation for an upcoming crescendo or change. That’s what my classes with CLU have been. I feel redirected in my intimacy before impact. Thank you. Am now going through Prayers that Heal the Heart!
Bramuel Musya,
Kenya (East Africa)
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