A New Discovery I Recently Made in the Area of Natural Health (I-H20)

Mark Virkler's picture

For 40 years I have been passionate to pursue maximum health and vitality as one of God’s wonderful gifts to us! Here is one of my great discoveries, water that heals.

GIA Wellness is a company headquartered in Southern California. For over 10 years, GIA has pioneered a 21st-century 360° approach to promoting optimal wellness focused on super hydration, energy, and nutrition.

GIA's cornerstone product is the “i-H20 activation system.” GIA also offers optimal nutritional products and energetic solutions that protect us from the wireless world we now live in, hence the 360° approach to our overall well-being. GIA’s patented and proprietary technologies are the science that set us apart from others.

GIA is an acronym for Growth, Inspiration, and Abundance. Growth in our health and well-being, Inspiration to help us live our best life, and Abundance helping us to alleviate financial stresses.

A 90-minute educational and inspirational Wellness Webinar
by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler

And here is another presentation exploring how to share GIA's wellness products as a home-based business.


Pictures of Mark Virkler's arm

Mark's arm before i-H20


Mark's arm after 1 week of i-H20


Patti Virkler - A testimony of lowered blood pressure in 5 weeks

I have had high blood pressure for years – generally in the 160 – 180/100 range. I have been on a low-dose prescription for a few years without any noticeable difference. I tried to give blood in January 2022 but was turned away because my blood pressure was too high. I often check it when I am at the grocery store and am happy when it is below 150.

We started on I-H20 several weeks ago. After two weeks, I checked my bp; it was 144/70. The next week it was 139/79, and the following week 143/80 – all really nice numbers that made me very happy.

But this morning when I checked, it is 124/64! I have NEVER had a reading that low that I can rememberThe only thing I am doing differently is drinking lots of I-H2O.

Update after 6 months: For the next two months it bounced around a bit before finally settling down completely to the normal healthy range above.

A second testimony from Patti: I had a black and blue spot remain on my leg for several years from a bicycle spill. It disappeared over the first couple of weeks that I was drinking i-H20. Wow!

The fruit of health care in the U.S.

  • "When John F. Kennedy was president, 6% of American kids had a chronic health condition. Today it is 60%." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  • The most recent National Survey of Children's Health data from 2022 shows that about 41% of children under 18 had "current or lifelong health conditions" (click here).

Split the difference and you have 50%!! This is a crime against our children!! Watch a 5-minute video by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on American lifespan and just one of the many known toxins approved by the FDA to be put in our food (click here).

One cause of chronic sickness is EXTREME chemical pollution

  • God designed our bodies to run on 60 basic chemicals (click here).
  • 350,000 new chemicals created since 1950 (click here)
  • More than 3,600 food packaging chemicals are found in human bodies (click here).
  • One solution is clean single-file aligned water (the body is about 60% water).

Life is in the blood, and the blood is mostly water

  • For the life of the flesh is in the blood (Lev. 17:11)
  • About 90% of blood is water (click here)
  • Blood: It's most basic functions include providing nourishment and detoxification.
  • Click here to watch an 8-minute video showing the almost IMMEDIATE response of your blood to i-H20.
  • Click here to watch MORE effects of “intelligent water” and EMF protection guards.
  • Quick resource: Mark’s presentation notes and website links

Why would drinking i-H20 improve your health?

When your body no longer needs to expend energy to break clustered molecules of water down into single-file alignment so it can enter a cell, you gain two benefits:

  1. You lighten the workload of your body, and
  2. Three times more water enters each cell, hydrating, nourishing, and detoxing every single cell. You can expect improved overall function of your entire body, and anything your body is working on healing/restoring should improve more quickly. God has designed our body in such a way that when we give it what it needs, the body will heal itself.

Three primary keys to health are:

  1. Nourish your spirit, soul, and body (assisted by GIA’s product “i-Thrive”)
  2. Detox your spirit, soul, and body (assisted by GIA’s product “Cleanse”)
  3. Strengthen your immune system

Our daily health habits determine our state of health.

EMF protection for you, your home, and your vehicle

Amazing testimonies and information

  • Click here for a 2-minute video from the inventor of this patented technology  - The invention re-structures water into single-file alignment which results in super-fast absorption. It restores water to the structure it has in the highest mountain streams in the world.
  • This kind of aligned mountain stream water made people near Chernobyl who were drinking it more resilient, and they did not get cancer during the nuclear disaster.
  • Click here for an instant download of lab results and research on i-H2o and cancer
  • Click here for Charity's video testimony and a file of incredible testimonies from those to whom she and I have personally introduced to i-H2o.
  • For even more powerful stories, check out the inspiring video clips here

See how inflammation throughout your body disappears


Learn enough in ONLY 25 minutes to make a WISE decision

  • There are a few short videos available here that give you an excellent overview of i-H20
  • You could easily use the i-H20 unit to activate the water you drink in your home
  • The unit is the size of a coffee maker and sits on your countertop. It plugs into a standard wall outlet and converts ½ gallon of water into single-file alignment in 30 minutes with the push of a button. It will provide a 39-year water supply for a single user.

MANAGER PACK$1,000 = Save over 40% off the Retail Value of $1,695.85 

This provides you an opportunity to sample each category of GIA’s amazing products and discover the incredible ways your body responds to the patented, health-promoting technologies. The layering effect of multiple products will produce the maximum impact on your body. The package comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee (minus a 10% restocking fee). Expect to feel the difference by 21 days and if you don't, then go off them for 3-4 days and see if you feel differently.

Manager Pack
  • I-H2O Activation System – check out the incredible before and after pictures in the Reviews
  • Cellphone GuardThe radiation absorption and blood microscopy test results here are amazing
  • Classic Pendant – wearable biofield protection to make us resilient against stress and 5G assault
  • Universal Guard (2)neutralizes the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation from laptops, Wi-Fi routers, etc
  • Edge (12 Ct) – accelerated recovery from muscle fatigue and daily stressors
  • HydraSurge Duo - the two most popular ultra-hydrating skincare products
  • Radiant Reveal Hydra Exfoliator – removes damaged cells & accelerates skin’s own rejuvenation process
  • I-Thrive - RDA of 11 vitamins and 17 amino acids (ORAC Value of 50,500!)

Action Steps

  • Order i-H20 from this website (OR if another acquaintance has introduced you to GIA, then ask them to enroll you under them)
  • I recommend you have Sue Johnson (a lady with 10 years of GIA experience) connect with you by phone or Zoom (760-449-0648). You are welcome to discuss any health challenges you may be facing and if/how GIA products have helped others with similar conditions in the past.

    Email Sue at susanjohnson.giawellness@gmail.com to set up a time to connect and ask her about the Gold Pack, which is another recommended discount package to get EMF protection for your entire family. Sue can also explain how to receive 20-40% discounts from the retail prices listed online. You may also contact me at Mark@cluonline.com.

There are two ways to sign up. You can do it by following the steps below or we can easily take your info and we can do it right over the phone, your choice. 

If you want to do it on the computer yourself, you can go to: www.giawellness.com/markvirkler  (OR if another acquaintance has introduced you to GIA, then ask them to enroll you under them)

  1. In the Menu at the top, hover over Join Us
  2. And click on Become a Consultant
  3. Click on Join Us again
  4. Scroll down to the Manager Package or Gold Package and click Add to Order
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue
  6. You can add extra products at a 30% discount or just click Continue again
  7. Complete the form and submit it

After signing up: Mark Virkler has an intro file of useful tips of things he learned after using GIA products for a couple of months. He will send it to you if you email Mark@CLUonline.com and simply ask. “Useful GIA tips.”

Dig Deeper

  1. Our bodies are 70% water. Water is called the universal solvent and is central to millions of chemical reactions within our bodies every single day. Because of this, I have purchased numerous water units over a 25-year period spending thousands of dollars. These units include filters, the Grander water unit, and various Hydrogen enriched water units. All of them disappointed me as none of them seemed to make any difference in my overall health, that is until I purchased an i-H20 unit. The testimonies at the beginning of this blog let you know the health improvements Patti and I both experienced. 
  2. Hear the full GIA story in this outstanding video by CEO Alfred Hanser and his Our Mission is Wellness webinar for a discussion of the three patented & proprietary technologies woven into the product line. (Easily review key info from his presentations here.)
  3. Dr. Peter Agre from John Hopkins University, School of Medicine, won the Nobel Prize in 2003 for proving that water must be in a single file to enter a cell. Therefore the body is forced to break down multi-clustered molecules of water into single cells before they can enter cells. GIA’s patented I-H20 water unit is proven to break clustered water molecules down into single-cell alignment, thus removing this workload from your body.
  4. My Philosophy Concerning Health Care – filled with MANY KEY health-promoting statistics!
  5. Online Free scientific 14-page article by Igor Smirnov on “Activated Water” (MRET or i-H20 water)
  6. Book: Molecular Resonance Effect Technology: The Dynamic Effects on Human Physiology by Dr. Howard Fisher and Dr. Igor Smirnov. This book contains the following quote:
  7. “Laboratory testing has PROVEN that the MRET water performs each of the following: increased hydration, nutrient absorption, cellular detoxification, enhanced immune response, decreased inflammation, is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-tumor and inhibits the growth of mutated cells.” The studies in the above book are amazing, and a bit challenging to read through.
  8. To come back to re-read this blog use: www.cwgministries.org/I-H20

Contact me (mark@cluonline.com) and request any/all of the files below:

  1. The steps I take in evaluating a health product
  2. GIA is a Wellness Company utilizing three proprietary, patented, proven technologies: SFA (Single File Alignment), ERT (Energy Resonance Technology), MRET (Molecular Resonance Effect Technology)
  3. More info on i-H20 including laboratory studies showing benefits of i-H20
  4. Information on purchase options when ordering GIA products
  5. How to add an income stream to your home by sharing the amazing benefits of i-H20
  6. High ORAC Values of GIA Products and Why I Care!
  7. An 8-page Scientific Article by the Inventor & Patent Holder of i-H20

Related Resources: 

How to Enjoy Vibrant Health!   

Related Blogs: 

Digestive Health   Vibrant Health   
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