New Book Release: Hearing God's Voice for Healing by Mark Virkler

Mark Virkler's picture

Explore the many methods Jesus used to heal. Recognize the significance of the fact that more than half the time, the word used for these healings was the Greek word for "therapeutic," which means "cure." Become aware of 28 therapeutic cures which are either mentioned in the Bible or, if not specifically mentioned, are compatible with biblical principles. Hard copy and digital download versions are available here - Get yours today! 

Discover the root cause

Learn to ask God what the root cause is of the infirmity, sickness, or disease you are facing, and then, what step He wants you to take to remove this root cause so you can heal. Since about 90% of all illness has an emotional root, ask the Lord, "What did I experience just before this illness struck?" Then pray through the issue(s)/events which He reveals to you. Realize that sickness and disease can be caused by many different factors, and that the path to healing involves many possible cures. Learn to pursue each method of healing as led by the Lord until full restoration is yours!

Expect deliverance to be a part of the healing process

You will discover that more than 25% of the times Jesus prayed for healing, He also cast demons out as part of the healing process. You will learn to do the same. You will explore the centrality of forgiveness in healing. For example, we had prayed three times for healing for pain in a lady's back and shoulders. She informed us that it was better but "I still have a pain in my neck." We asked if someone was "a pain in her neck," and she broke down in tears. She was willing to be led in a prayer of forgiveness, release and blessing as she pictured this individual in her mind. We prayed once more and all pain was gone! "Forgive everything against everyone so that your prayers are not hindered."

Chapter Titles

Chapter 1 - Testimonies of Various Ways God Heals

Chapter 2 - Instantaneous Miracles Versus Process Healing

Chapter 3 - Faith and Love Are BIG Keys to Experiencing Dunamis Power

Chapter 4 - Get in Spirit

Chapter 5 - Kingdom Emotions Produce Kingdom Health

Chapter 6 - Relational Five-Step Healing Model by John Wimber

Chapter 7 - Words of Knowledge Increase the Faith Level

Chapter 8 - Practical Guidelines as We Minister Healing

Chapter 9 - Peg Yarbrough's Spirit-Led Approach to Healing

Chapter 10 - A Spirit-Led Protocol for Claiming God’s Promises

Chapter 11 - Twenty-Eight Therapeutic Healing Protocols

Chapter 12 - Planted By the River and Bearing Fruit Continually: A Summary & Review

Supplements found in the second half of this book – In-Depth Exploration of Eight Greek Words Describing Healing

  • Sozo – salvation - opens the door for all of the other healing processes to flow.
  • Exousia – authority - Jesus has given us the authority to heal the sick and cast out demons.
  • Dunamis – power - the word occasionally translated as a miracle, which is an instantaneous mighty work of God. A miracle becomes a sign to the observers [semeion - a sign (G4592)].
  • Iaomai – healing - often instantaneous healing, but sometimes healing over time.
  • Therapeuo – healing - therapeutic healing can often be a process, but is sometimes instantaneous. Verses with therapeuo in them specifically mention the following: laying on of hands, anointing with oil, and leaves which bring healing. We get the word “therapeutic from this word, so it involves various remedies, which we can easily classify under the category of “gifts of healings.” In other places in the Bible, we find recommended many additional cures and remedies.
  • Energeo – active energy - the flow of active energy, which is the anointing of the Spirit.
  • Hugies – make well - describes the result of the healing process.
  • Ekballon pneumati akatharto - casting out an unclean spirit – brings instantaneous change and often occurs alongside any of the above healings, as the damage done by the evil spirit needs to be healed once the demon is cast out.


"Mark Virkler has written yet another book that I consider a must read. Not only must read, but must study repeatedly at a heart level. When asked, I was happy to endorse his new book. What I didn’t realize was that I too really need to review and go through this material carefully.

Mark takes us on a deep dive into understanding not only the various ways to appropriate physical healing, but even more importantly, it is also a study on maintaining spiritual and emotional health and well-being. Carol and I plan on using this tool for daily devotions to draw our hearts even closer to the heart of God. Read it and allow the Lord to heal you physically, emotionally, and spiritually."

John Arnott
Founder, Catch the Fire Ministries


"Mark Virkler wrote a book that I wish I had been able to use when I had a chronic illness years ago. There are too few voices in the body of Christ teaching or going after the miraculous healing power of God. Worse yet, many of the ones who do end up not having great theology to accompany the gift they are trying to demonstrate. In comes Mark’s Hearing God’s Voice for Healing which will act like a field guide to go after instantaneous miracles but also to have the longevity to keep pursuing healing even when you don’t see the signs of it when you first pray. Even if you have gone after healing gifts before this is a book for you! And it’s right on time!"

Shawn Bolz
Author, Speaker, TV Host

Order today

Hard copy and electronic copy are available here!

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