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My Word IS the Prayer - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

Mark Virkler's picture

– ♪♪ “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know.  Fills my every longing.  Keeps me singing as I go.” ♪♪ O Lord, thank you for this sweet melody you have put into my heart that glorifies your name.  Reminds me, Lord, that I can always come into your presence by singing your praise.  Thank you, Jesus, that you are always there with arms wide open, waiting for me to come.

I see you, Lord, in our church service this morning, receiving the praises of your people.  Your presence is so obvious, Lord. I see you receiving every praise that is sung and every word of thanksgiving that is brought to you in prayer.  Whether we are singing, shouting or speaking them, Lord, you receive them all and we are blessed with your presence.  O Jesus, precious Lord, thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

Jesus – LaWanda, dear one, my precious, precious one.  My heart is open to all who offer the sacrifice of praise to Me.  As you have read in the Psalms, you are reminded of this over and over again.  Oh the promises in that one book of the Bible.  You could spend a lifetime trying to convey all that is there and STILL have more to go.  So many studies that you could do.  My promises for when you cry out to Me.  My promises for protecting you.  My promises for healing.  My promises for forgiveness.  My promises for rescue and deliverance.   Truths about My word and My faithfulness.  I could go on, LaWanda, but you get the idea.  So much of ME, of who I AM, is in the Psalms.  Perhaps that is why you keep coming back to them – because I keep revealing Myself to you within them.

Your idea to make a list of all the verses that have to do with healing is an inspired one.  I want you to ingest these verses, so that when someone comes to you for prayer, My word is how you pray for them.  I know you already do this, but I want you to do it MORE.  I want more of My word to be in you so that it can come out of you when you pray.  My word IS the prayer, LaWanda.  You already know that it cannot return to me void, so there is no better way to pray, whether it is for healing, deliverance or provision.  It matters not the problem; My word is ALWAYS the answer. 

When you pray in this way, you are using it as the Sword of the Spirit to attack the problem or the spirit behind the problem and it increases your faith and the faith of the one you are praying with as you hear it.  When you use My word in this way, you are claiming My promises, declaring them to be true and Me to be faithful, even as they come out of your mouth.  Yes, I am using My word that you speak to increase their faith as they hear it and agree with it.  It will also inspire the ones who hear it to desire more of Me.  Yes, increase their faith, but increase their desire for more of Me in the process.  My word will move them from hoping that I will answer to KNOWING that I will.  And wanting more of Me as they do.  What you are doing when you pray for someone is so much more than just speaking My word over them.  Holy Spirit brings the word to your mind and as you speak it He opens the heart of the listener to receive it.  You are truly joined in agreement for that prayer to be answered.  And in that moment, you have not just given them My word, but you have given them your faith as well.  Holy Spirit inspires them in those very moments that if you have that such faith in Me, they can, too.

O precious one.  They see in that moment, as you read in Hebrews today that the authority of your faith does not rest in you.  It rests in the One who made the promise and claiming the promise of My word in that moment is tapping into My faithfulness.  They see that I am using your faith and confidence in Me to increase their own.  They don’t know how it has happened but they walk away feeling better and with more faith than they did before they came for prayer. O dear one, this should inspire you to memorize My word as you never have before.  Ingest My word and be filled with the joy it produces, knowing that you will be able to call it forth later.  Holy Spirit cannot bring out of you what is not in you.  And He will use these new verses that you learn in amazing ways.  When you speak what Holy Spirit inspires you to speak, He births faith in their hearts to respond.  You do your part (memorize more of My word) and We SURELY will do ours.  It can be no other way.


And your words were found and I ate them for they are the joy and rejoicing of mt heart.”  Jeremiah 15:16 NKJV

…for the authority of her faith rested in the One who made the promise, and she tapped into His faithfulness. Heb. 11:11 TPT

Faith then is birthed in a heart that responds to the anointed utterance of the Anointed One. Romans 10:17 TPT

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17 NKJV



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