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My Word Determines What is TRUE - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

Mark Virkler's picture

LaWanda – O Jesus, Alleluia, I give all praise to you, Lord.  How you have blessed me.  How deep, intimate and far-reaching is your love.  There is nothing outside of it, Lord.  Precious Jesus, thank you for your word that tells me of your endless love, that transcends our understanding, of this extravagant love that you pour into us until we are filled to overflowing.  Thank you, Jesus.  Thank you, precious Lord.

Yesterday when I was sharing the testimony about my eyes (no fluid on them and therefore no shot).  I told Patty that I WAS seeing some wavy lines but the doctor said there was no fluid, which causes the wavy lines.  What???  The doctor’s report actually agreed with your Word that my eyes have been fully restored but the fact is that I WAS seeing wavy lines.  So there was a contradiction.  It was like I was at a crossroads – which will I believe, what my eyes are seeing or what my eyes are reading in your word?  For years, I have been standing on Psalm 30:2-3, “O Lord my healing God, I cried out for a miracle and you healed me.  You brought me back from the brink of death, from the depths below.  Now here I am, ALIVE and well, FULLY RESTORED.”  And as I quoted that verse of Scripture, I just blurted out:

From now on…

I’m not believing what I’m seeing,

I’m believing what I’m reading!

Clearly, Satan was trying to use those wavy lines to get me to doubt my healing.  The clarity of the declaration I blurted out without thinking was PROFOUND!  And of course, it applies to EVERYTHING, not just my eyes!  I feel like my faith has been given a shot of adrenaline, but one that won’t wear off if I will just use it.

I can never again in this world trust what my eyes see as TRUTH if it contradicts your Word.  I must always trust the Word of God to be the determiner of what is TRUE!

Moments of believing your word about my eyes have become an absolute KNOWING that my eyes are fully restored, regardless of what I “see” at times.  Any time that they “appear” to be otherwise is simply an attack of the devil, which must be dealt with immediately.  O how overwhelming is your love for me, dear Lord.  I am undone in the presence of such love.  Undone in your presence, my sweet Jesus.

Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, my precious, precious one, YOU, whose picture is indelibly imprinted (tattooed) on the palm of each of My hands (not just on one of them but on BOTH of them), how precious you are to Me, dear one.  Can you imagine how We rejoice when you receive these gifts that we give you?  In these five little words, your life has changed… ”I’m believing what I’m reading.” This is a declaration, dear one, a declaration that you are trusting ME!  What if you actually believed every promise in the Bible? Or even just those that you have “claimed” as your own? 

There is a difference between claiming and understanding the promise and KNOWING it in your bones!  Knowing it in your bones AND declaring it OUTLOUD will bring it to pass.  It also puts the enemy on notice that you will not be easily swayed.  You will still be tempted and you may fall for his lies at times, but your faith WILL NOT be shaken.  And you can apply this to every area of your life.  Think about that, LaWanda.  Believe and KNOW that EVERY word that I have spoken to you is not just TRUE, but TRUE FOR YOU!!!

Now get busy, dear one!  There is MUCH for you to do!

“Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of My hands...”  Isaiah 49:16 AMP


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