I am always thrilled at the power of a CLU college course to transform a life. Here is a story by Deb Nadeau, of how the CLU course COU301 Prayers that Heal the Heart, took her life from curse to blessing. Here is her final paper for that course, where she describes the steps she took and the miracles God did. It is an absolutly powerful testimony.
I have had previous training with Christian Healing Ministry as a Prayer Minister and have served as such for several years at various retreats and prayer groups. When I was near to completing the first class I took at CLU; Communion With God, I had begun to prayerfully seek the next class to enroll in. I felt the Lord leading me towards this class-Prayers That Heal the Heart. I didn’t think I wanted to take it because I’ve done a lot of this prayer work before. In my previous training we not only learned to minister but have also received much ministry. So I’ve prayed through a lot of heart issues. I thought this class would be too much of a repeat.
Download the rest of the story: My Life Went From Curse to Blessing - Deb Nadeau
The full CLU college course, which Deb took is available here, under "COU301 Prayers That Heal the Heart (Professional)"
An interactive online Prayers That Heal the Heart Course is available here. This is a shortened version of the course.
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