Miracle at the Grocery Store!

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The following is George Medellin's testimony of how using the Four Keys to Hearing God’s Voice resulted in healing.

On November 6, 2016 I sat in my car in the parking lot of a grocery store.  Before going into the store, I decided to journal. I wrote:

Lord Jesus,

“Yes, My son.”

What is on Your heart? What is important to You?

As I wrote the above sentence, I saw a picture.  I saw Jesus, wearing a white robe, smiling, cradling in His arms a baby. The baby was me. These words flowed into my heart:

“What is important to Me is that you rest in My arms. Trust your Heavenly Father will take care of you, and is taking care of you.  You are learning to walk by faith, son, faith and trust in My words rather than what you see, feel, smell, and touch.  I am with you, son.  Rejoice!”

In response to the journaling, I began to rejoice.  I spoke praises, joy, thanksgiving, shouting, clapping, obeying by faith what I believe Jesus said to me.  After several minutes, I got out of my car and walked toward the store, rejoicing and still praising God.

The store was huge and filled with people.  I walked to the back of the store to find what I needed, and as I did so, one man caught my eye.  His face seemed to radiate agony, both physical and emotional.  I felt compassion for him and began to pray silently, for I’ve learned that when I sense compassion for a person the Lord may want to do something.

As I silently prayed for the man, who was much bigger than me, I hesitated; what if this big guy gets angry and punches me?  I chose to continue to pray for him in my heart.  After several minutes, I heard a voice in my heart, “Go now and pray for him!” I said, “Okay Lord!”

I approached the man and introduced myself, “Hi. My name is George and I am a Christian.  Sometimes when I pray for people they get healed.  Is there a way I can pray for you?  Are you in pain?”

He said, “Yes, my left knee.”

I explained the process I would use to pray, which was the Seven Step Healing Model.  On a scale of 1-10, the gentleman rated his pain, “Eleven.”  After asking permission to put my hands on this shoulder, I prayed, “I command pain to cease now, in Jesus' name.  I release healing to the knee now, in Jesus’ name.”

I asked him to rate his pain now, and his response was, “Five.”

“Do you want a zero?” I asked.

“Sure,” he replied.

I laid my hand on his shoulder again, repeating similar commands in Jesus’ name.  I asked, “How does it feel now?”

“The pain is gone.”

“So is it a ‘zero’?”


“Do something you could not do before,” I said.  He began to bend his knee saying, “I couldn’t do this before.”

“Praise the Lord! He is good to you,” I said, then waved goodbye.

I continued my shopping, grateful to the Lord that He used me, and somehow I believe that obeying what He said to me in my journaling opened the door.  Praise the Lord.



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