Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

Meditation on Deliverance by Pastor Peg Yarbrough

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Pastor Peg has an anointed ministry and provides a Spirit-led Zoom fellowship service weekly. Below Peg shares her Bible meditation on 2 Chronicles 16.

The Lord said… "Peg, as a body of Christ, you (plural) have done foolishly. Tried to live independent of ME in too many areas of your lives, too dependent on yourselves for your protection and provision, and NOT looking to Me. I created you to be led by the Spirit, to love by the Spirit, and to walk by the Spirit. I AM your Everything. 

That is why there is a GREAT need for repentance in the Body of Christ, across the board.

Our Father is a God of principle, and spiritual immutable laws that CANNOT be broken."

So in my meditation, I saw a few things that needed correction in my own thinking patterns, and the verse that came blazing into my spirit man was 2 Chronicles 16:9...

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him.

I went back to look at the context (2 Chron. 16:7-9)...

And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the Lord thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.” [OPPRESSION!] For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him. [DELIVERANCE!]

The next thing I knew Jesus and I were on a beautiful hill covered in soft green grass, lovely flowers, and blue skies with white fluffy clouds. And His Light/Life is flowing into every area of my body, and every quadrant of my soul. Every cell of my body feels "Good Morning." We were walking barefoot through the grass holding each other's hands, and I looked up in his face and asked, "What do You have to say to me?"

He repeated verse 9, "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro the whole earth seeking to show himself strong to those who put their trust in him!

This makes Our Father HAPPY! To show Himself strong to His trusting children."

Jesus said, "Peg, do you fully trust me?"

Then he had me kneel in front of him and he laid both hands on my forehead and said, "Peg, you have never fully received the Father's blessing in your heart."

I could see flashes of my dad, Papa Joe, and knew that if he saw my life as it is today he would be so proud of me — that I had gotten out of the ditch I used to live in, alcohol and selfishness, and become a loving member of society through Christ's love.

I felt tremendous healing in the frontal lobe of my mind.

And I heard a loud voice from heaven cry out, “Since judgment must begin in the house of God, then healing must begin in the house of God as well!"


That was an epiphany! A paradigm shift for me!

We are going through a time of great healing in the body of Christ. But people still need so much love and instruction on the depths of God's love for us, and He said that more and more of His children are OPEN to that knowledge. Oh, the riches and the depth of the love of God for his people... love, love, love. There's still so much misunderstanding of how much God loves us!

First Corinthians 13 says Love never fails. We need to tattoo that on the eyelids of our hearts.

Anyway — at the conclusion I felt a seismic shift. Jesus showed me how to receive his love in areas where I have been a desert, and was not even aware of it. And in areas I haven't even considered that I needed more love. I wasn’t even aware of how much more he wanted to love me.

In Psalm 51 verse 10, Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit/attitude in ME. Heal those old waste places the devil has invaded in my subconscious and heal them, FILL them with YOUR truth and love. That is a creative act!

A couple of verses later we find the reason why. To Restore unto me, the JOY of thy, THY, your salvation - His wholeness in every area of my life, and every quadrant of my brain. Every scintilla of my body.

What an amazing time of deliverance from oppression and falling even deeper into the arms of Jesus' LOVE.

How deep can we go? It is both infinite and eternal - we can always get deeper in this lifetime. What JOY!

Journaling application

Lord, what would You speak to me from this Bible meditation?


How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition
Free Video Event: October 15-23, 2024
Going on now!

40% Discount for the October Course of the Month: REN210/521 Pneumatology and Life in the Spirit

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Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   Spiritual Transformations   
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