This was a question I had participants at the Catch the Fire Leadership School journal about while I was teaching there last week. We played the Sea of Galilee music in the background and asked, "Lord, what does a lifestyle of living in the flow look like for me?" The Flow, of course, is the River of the Holy Spirit which flows within all believers (Jn. 7:37-39).
Marion's two-way journaling
Q. Lord, what does a lifestyle of living in the flow look like for me?
A. It looks like quiet joy, simple, beautiful solutions, compassion deeper than your own compassion, colour, appreciation of the beauty of the other person's heart, your heart leaping for joy or soaring in thankfulness. It looks like constant refreshing, a round peg in a round hole, your hand always in Mine, My smile always available to you, My love in your heart and your words, My wisdom, My purity, My truth for whoever needs it from you, My creativity dancing with yours, My light touch for the heavy-hearted, My healing for the broken.
Pastor Jeeva Sam
Q. “What would it be like for me to be living in flow all the time?”
A. “Jeeva, remember the time you were baking muffins when you had to modify the recipe because you did not have the exact measure of flour that it called for? You did not have to calculate how much baking soda/powder, nuts, salt, etc. to add. You just added “irregular” amounts by “feel.”
That was Me flowing through you, Jeeva, even in as mundane a task as baking. You went with what felt like was the right measure to add…and the muffins turned out great, didn’t they?
That’s what it is like to be living in flow all the time. You don’t have to pray and ask Me every time. Because you are full of Me, I am able to flow in your thoughts, in your words (prophecy), through your hands (whether in baking or healing!) and in every action you take.
Simply trust that I’m flowing and follow whatever I direct you to think, say or do, Jeeva. And you will experience what it is like to be living in flow all the time.”
Sulojana Sam
Q. “What would it be like for me to be living in flow all the time?”
A. "Sulojana, do you see the water over here? See how peaceful it is? I want your life to be that peaceful, free from worries, stress, fear and doubt. I want you to hand them all over to Me. When you pray for something, leave it up to Me, I will take care of it. Live a life of freedom. When I give you an opportunity to pray, step out in faith and do it, I will do the rest. I want to do many signs, wonders and miracles through you! You are wonderful and I love you."
P.S. Want to learn to journal like this? Our training module is guaranteed to teach you how.
PP.SS Interview with Jeeva about a book he has written:
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