The Lord Speaks - Journaling from Margaret Cornell

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Margaret Cornell is the UK distributor for Communion With God Ministries. She has been teaching people how to hear God’s voice for many years. Below are some examples of her two-way journaling. He speaks amazing words. 

Lord, what do You want to speak to me concerning stillness?

Jesus and I were walking on the beach.

“Stillness is akin to heaven.  When you come to heaven you will feel the stillness which is tangible there. Stillness is My way of bringing you into the heavenly realms whilst you are still on the earth. It is the mode in which you can hear Me so easily. So little of people's time is spent being still, allowing Me full access to their heart.

"Your health improves as you learn to be still for a portion of your day.

"My child, always give Me this access to your being. Only when you master the skill of becoming still will you find revelation, creativity and renewal of your strength."

I was seeing Jesus and there was a gentle breeze blowing - "Just as the breeze is blowing your hair so My Spirit is flowing through you right now bringing rest and peace and wisdom and all the grace that you need for your life. It is a special moment, isn’t it? As we rest together in harmony with each other, a transaction is possible. My strengths for your weakness – My peace for your turmoil – and My revelation for all your situations."

Another discussion about stillness

To my surprise, Jesus and I were sitting down on the ground facing one another. Just like when we sang row-row-row the boat as children, we are holding hands rocking backwards and forwards singing the song. Jesus said: “Look how we are in tandem, Look how we are moving together. We are in complete harmony with each other. This is the aim of stillness and why it is important that you learn to be still. It enables our unity.

"Remember how you used to sing, 'Row-row-row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream'?

"There’s even a dream like quality in times of stillness. When you are still it is when our hearts merge and we truly become one. As we flow together in the anointing of the Spirit, you feel that flow of the anointing. You feel that flow of the anointing right now, don’t you? You feel our oneness?”

Yes, I do, Lord.

Lord, what do You want to share about hearing Your voice?

I pictured walking up the hill and at the top there was a cabin. I went into the cabin with Jesus and we sat down in front of a roaring log fire. It was wonderfully warm and cozy and relaxing. I said, "Lord I love seeing Your smile and I’m thankful to be in this cozy place with You, just resting with You. So what would You say to me today about hearing Your voice?"

“As I flow through your heart, My words bubble up which I want You to hear. They are words from My heart and they’re designed to warm you and delight you as much as this beautiful fire. We could actually sit here and be together without a word but you need words. They are the currency of power. If you allow My words to penetrate deep into your heart, they are as creative as when I spoke the world into being. My words have the power to change your feelings, change your opinion and change your attitudes. Always treat My words as precious because in them My power charges you.”

Lord, what do You want to speak to me concerning using the eyes of my heart?

I was seeing myself sitting on the well in the same way that Jesus did with the woman in John 4.

“When you use the eyes of your heart, you truly enter into My world. You see My world, because My world is the invisible world, the unseen place that's truly all around you. It is so good for you to get visions of My heavenly world. You don’t need to wait until you get there.

"There is no time in My world, so you can see the past, the present, and the future, each as real as the other.

"I promised that woman at the well living water and that’s what I want you to have too. The Father showed Me what that woman needed to know that would enable her to be motivated to evangelize her whole village. The vision I had was a catalyst for her. Many people whom you know need the same kind of intervention to mobilize them.”

Later as we talked, we sat down. He took my hand and said tenderly,

“When you give Me your entire focus, it is when fruit grows and your spirit man is filled with new life. We don’t even have to speak at this moment; we can just share this moment in time.”

Yes, Lord, it is precious. It is worth everything. It is worth stopping. Even the things that seem so important actually are less important than sitting at Your feet and drinking in Your words and treasuring Your presence as Mary did. You said indeed she had chosen the better part. I choose it too, because I know that it pleases You.

At that moment I felt totally enfolded by Him and I feel we could’ve just stayed there forever.

“It is true, My child, this is your position in Me, enfolded by Me and protected by Me. You are truly IN CHRIST!”

Related Resources: 

How to Be Emotionally Free!   How to Hear God's Voice!   
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