Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss and Health - Part 3 of 4

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This is part three in a three-part series on the ketogenic diet. As we explored the ketogenic diet we had a re-awakened interest in fasting.

Many of the sites we were reading recommend a 5-day water fast, so we tried one. Water only is truly a challenge and at the close of day four we took a cup of bone broth. I had been hoping that since we were already in ketosis before the fast began, it would be easier than normal. However it wasn't. We still felt weak during it. However, one really amazing result was that we both lost more weight in 5 days than we ever have before when fasting. I lost 8.5 pounds, which of course is very exciting when you are trying to get down to weight. 

So I did some muscle testing at the close of the fast to see if the bone broth had been damaging to the fast, and here is what I found. It was shocking to me and not what I expected to learn.

Using MRT, both Patti's and my body answered this question: "Will adding bulletproof/keto coffee and bone broth affect the health benefits of the water-only fast?"

  1. Keto coffee is fine once a day
  2. Bone Broth is fine twice a day
  3. Will still maintain many of the benefits of the water fast 
  4. We will lose as much weight as a water-only fast (normally 1 pound a day)
  5. Taking MCT oil will NOT harm the fast.
  6. Our bodies will still make new stem cells
  7. Will not reboot the immune system and 60% of the autophagy benefits are lost (as this requires a water-ONLY fast of 3 days to accomplish these things

Summary: Since it is so much easier to maintain a fast if we add bone broth and keto coffee to it, we will next time be adding them. It then technically is no longer a water fast, but still maintains many health benefits.

Whenever we want to reboot our immune systems, we will stick with water only for 3 days. 

Other answers we discerned using MRT

  1. We noticed that we lost more weight than normal during our 5-day water fast so MRT told us it was 40% due to us already being ketosis before the fast began and 60% due to the fact we added two tablespoons of MCT daily.
  2. Autophagy WILL occur in a three day water fast, but is 60% hindered if we add keto coffee and bone broth. (Note: autophagy is when your immune system eats up the weak and damaged cells in your body so new healthy ones can replace them - Isa. 58:8). See article on autophagy. Autophagy DOES occur in an 18-hour water-only fast (i.e. intermittent fasting), although much less than in a 3-day water fast, and adding green tea and keto coffee did not appear to hinder this smaller amount of autophagy from taking place.
  3. Taking MCT oil will NOT harm the fast other than stopping the rebooting of your immune system.
  4. Taking Oxy Powder will kill bad bacteria in the colon and this kill-off produces diarrhea.  Don't take so much as to make you have a bowel movement in the middle of the night. Taking Oxy Powder in the morning is as effective as taking it in the evening but then don't eat eat during that day.
  5. Taking SF722 kills yeast overgrowth in the gut, thus restoring the gut.
  6. Taking 1/2 tablespoon of Coconut Activated Charcoal (in a glass of water) daily is beneficial to removing toxins from your body.
  7. Taking L-Glutamine Powder and Restore will strengthen the colon wall. 

Summary: When focusing on losing weight, we will enter a fast already on ketosis and add MCT during the fast. When focusing on rebooting the immune system and autophagy, we will do a 3-day water-only fast, and in severe health crisis, longer. Since all disease begins in the gut, we will take SF722 and Oxy-Powder daily, until our bodies tell us our gut is healed.

What looks to us like an exciting way to live comfortably, be healthy and lose weight

The lady who produced the bone broth we are using at this point (may be purchased here), suggests 2 days a week on bone broth, water, coffee and teas. We are going to try this as this looks like an exciting life-style change we can put into our lives fairly easily and it will result in better health and weight loss. Keto coffee has 230 calories in it, and two cups of bone broth has 140 calories, so we would be down to 370 calories for those two days of the week. This is very exciting as we expect this to promote extra weight loss, greater health and be easy to live with! So we will see. 

Since we are likely to take weekends for our higher carb meals, Monday and Tuesday are great days for us to do keto coffee, bone broth, and green tea. We may have a meal Tuesday evening (i.e. 48 hours from dinner Sunday evening to dinner on Tuesday), depending on our hunger level.

Get FREE access to our 12 part online training series on Take Charge of Your Health by Dr. Mark Virkler beginning January 1. Sign up HERE.

Our favorite Keto websites

  1. Free streaming video series on the ketogenic diet that convinced us!
  2. Great websites for healthy, delicious ketogenic foods (food, shakes, fat bombs and chocolate treats)

Excellent resources for healthy living

  1. How to heal up a leaky gut 
  2. Phytoplankton from Ocean's Alive
  3. Restore – Strengthen tight junctions in the gut wall
  4. Digestive Freedom Plus - The BEST digestive product I have experienced in my life!

Four part series on Ketogenic Diet for weight loss and health 

Related Resources: 

How to Enjoy Vibrant Health!   

Related Blogs: 

Vibrant Health   
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