Deliverance Through Worship - Pastor Uday, India

Mark Virkler's picture

Overview from Pastor Vijay Christian: Uday is our Worship Pastor and band leader of A2J (Addicted to Jesus) band. He has released 2 volumes of worship albums and another one is on the way, all songs written and music composed by him. He heads our worship school, worship concerts and secular concerts. He is an anointed Bible teacher, rhythm and lead guitarist of our band.

Hi, my name is Uday and I was born and raised in a Christian family. My mom and dad are working as servants of God. From my childhood I was raised in a Christian community. So by God's grace, I was able to grow more in the Lord.

In the year 2000, By God’s grace I attended the first gathering of Friends' Meet Ministries which was started with 5 young people. I used to have a desire to play the guitar so I came to the meetings. As the days passed, God has seen my faithfulness and I learned basic about the guitar through the servants. From then on, wherever the meeting was I used to go and play the guitar.

In 2005, God spoke to me, If you have guts, can you stand for Me? That word affected me much. Till then, I used to balance God and my worldly friends and live a hypercritic life, but through the word my life has changed. Then I took a decision that I have guts and I can live for Jesus. That year, God spoke through his servants to organize a youth camp and for that I was given a responsibility, which was to gather some musicians together and lead the singing and worship. At that time, I didn’t have much knowledge about music, but still I said Yes to God’s word.

From then God started to speak to me that I have to name my band. Many gave me names, but God has inspired me through one word, Addicted to Jesus. I named the worship band A2J. From then on, many have joined this worship team and left in the middle, but still God has spoke to me about the worship team and I stood faithfully.

Slowly God started to teach me. God has given me the gift to write songs, to play guitar well. In 2007, I was met with an accident and when I was in bed, God spoke to me, “Uday I want you.” Before that I used to have a desire to work as a web designer and to sponsor the churches and servants of God. But God's thoughts and ways are completely different. While I am on the bed, God gave me confirmation that I have to do his service and that God would change many through me. This is the vision God spoke to me.

Showing obedience to that calling, I informed my parents. They were also very happy and encouraged me. From then on I placed my complete concentration on the A2J worship team. Through the concerts, God used me to change many Christian and secular people. God has given me the grace to release two albums.

Last year in 2012 in the CD release concert while I am worshipping in that moment, one sister was very much depressed and had decided to commit suicide. She climbed up the terrace on her apartment and at the moment she heard the music from the concert and God spoke to her. Immediately she was delivered from the wrong decision she had made. From that moment that sister took a commitment to stand for the lord. She notified the Friends' Meet Team what had happened by texting a message to a number listed on one of the flyers and eventually did work for the team by doing photography.

Not only this, In Vishakhapatnam we organized secular music concerts on the beach and invite people from the city and we share the truths of Jesus. After that, we follow up with those who have accepted Jesus and offer discipleship. By God’s grace in a few years, we have shared the gospel with thousands of people. God is using me and my team like this in India.

Not only did God give me the vision of a worship leader but also to teach others what true worship is. Through in depth seminars, God used me to strengthen 15 worship leaders and taught what true worship is.

God spoke to me in 2013 to start worship schools. For doing all these activities we have no money, no proper sound system and no musical instruments. We do not fear about anything, the Bible says in Zechariah 2, not by might, not by power, but by the spirit of the Lord, all this are possible. Believing this I am continuing along with my team. My team and I have the same vision and same passion, which makes me happy. God also inspired me to conduct two schools a year.

Please pray that God will use me and my worship team and fill us with his anointing. That he will also in the coming days strengthen us so we can reach many people for Christ. Amen!!

Take Action: Let's Support Friends' Meet!

You can find out even more about Friends' Meet Ministries and how you can support them on our website: To make a one-time contribution, please click here. If you'd like to set up a monthly pledge, please click here. Our initial goal is to provide $700 a month so they can rent a new main headquarters, and then to raise monies for this leadership team. Any additional funds raised will help support their individual ministry projects. Thank you so much for being a part of what God is doing in India in our generation!


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