LaWanda – O Lord how I praise you. I thank you for divine appointments orchestrated by Holy Spirit’s tender voice. A text, an email, a call, everything surrendered to you can be used. Thank you, Jesus, my precious, precious, Lord, that I can so effortlessly hear your voice. In the beginning I fear you may have had to shout because I did not know how to listen. But our deep need, whatever it is, is answered by the deep kindness of your great love. Thank you Jesus, precious Jesus. As it says in Psalm 42:1, “My longings overwhelm me for more of you!”

I see you Lord, in a room with me as I am leading a guided meditation. You are standing right beside me…waiting. Waiting for the part where you place your hands on each person there. O Lord, they feel your presence and they feel the warmth of your hands as your love flows through them. They will leave this place changed, Lord, for they have been touched by their Savior. It can be no other way. O Jesus, I am undone. In the presence of my King, I can be no other way.
Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, my precious, precious one. Every single person who comes and sits with Me in the secret place is rewarded, for I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me. The rewards are not the same but are exactly what that person’s deep need requires to move them forward. Your days are recorded in My book, dear one, and all that makes them up is there as well. I know you so well, LaWanda, so VERY well. And I have given you the exact FAITH that you need to accomplish all that I have for you. AND you can be CONFIDENT – you can KNOW in the depths of you - “that He who began a good work in you WILL complete it.”
Only two things are required of you, my dear one. Come and sit before Me so you can continue to hear My voice and then obey. Inherent in obedience is trust. Just look at Noah, Abraham and Moses. They could not have obeyed without faith and without trusting in the Word that I had given them. As they obeyed they had faith in the ONE who made the promise by trusting in HIS faithfulness. So it will be with you. I have given you a grace gift of FAITH that allows you to trust. All that is left is for you to obey. Your destiny and all that I have for you within it lies in your obedience. It is not hard when you realize that your authority to do so, rests in Me.
Psalm 42:6; Psalm 42:1; Philippians 1:6; Psalm 139:16; Hebrews 11:11
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