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Ingela de Bruin Teaching Communion With God in Europe!

Mark Virkler's picture

Greetings from the small country of Slovakia, in the heart of Europe. I'm teaching the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice in Slovakia, especially within the Catholic community. Here is how it came about...

One day God spoke to me, "Many Christians are spiritual orphans because they don't know My voice." The words came with such force I felt as though someone had just put a sword in my heart. I just was not sure what to do with this revelation.

A few months later, Vlado, a Slovak member of our team told us that a Buddhist monk had approached him at the shopping mall. The monk said he remembered Vlado from a course he had given at the Theological Seminary a couple of years earlier. When Vlado asked him what had happened to him the reply was that the seminary didn't give him any answers and he had found spiritual experiences in his new found faith. Hearing this I again was cut to the heart and was literally shaking inside.

After discovering and working my way through your material on How to Hear God’s Voice, I had new encounters with God and I felt more refreshed than I would have after attending the best conference, and I realized I had found the answer to what to do about the things God had shown me (above). Since you had made the course available to anyone and actually encouraged people to take your material and teach it, it suddenly looked fairly simple, not like a daunting task.

I ran the course in our home. We have now incorporated your DVD teaching in two Discipleship Training Schools with YWAM and that has really enhanced the school and the students' experiences with God. One of the students on the first course asked how we had been able to run training schools without it. We teach Hearing God's Voice on every school, but just for a day or so, and not as in depth as in your course, and not with the same follow up as we do now.

My husband teaches in a lot of different Catholic communities. These are groups of born again Christians who meet outside normal mass; a bit like cell groups in Protestant churches but usually slightly bigger. When he mentioned to people in his groups that I wanted to start teaching the Hearing God's Voice course, the first person who asked me to come and do so was a priest with tremendous influence in the country. He is a lovely, sincere, fun man who is involved in many aspects of ministry especially with youth and TV.

He chose 20 of his key people to come to the course. I was pretty nervous as I drove to the place where we were meeting. I knew that three of the participants would be priests..."Who am I, Lord..?' The rest were leaders in different areas. Well, I quickly felt right at home. The worship at the beginning created a wonderful, relaxed atmosphere. Because my husband introduced me, and they all knew him well, they received me with open arms and hearts. The response to the teaching was almost overwhelming. People were so touched by God. One young woman cried unashamedly as I spoke on "yada".

In my second group there were 20 Catholic and three Lutheran women. We met once a month for 10 months if I remember well, and they were so disappointed when the course was over. They asked me to continue with something else, but I felt I had to continue with this subject in other places. The fun thing with this group is that the women have taught their husbands (and many their children) what they have learnt, and now they want to do the full course too. Some already have. Some people in this group said that they used to have a very formal relationship with God but now they had really come to know Him.

The third group that asked me to come and teach were leaders/teachers at a Catholic university. We started in November last year and will finish in April. Another community invited me and we spent two weekends together - about 40 people. I asked one lady in the morning if she had slept well (after the first day of teaching). "I haven't slept," she said, "I have been singing all night." She was so in "the glory of God" and was still "fresh" that evening, and not tired at all.

This spring, some friends who have a desire to see their fellow Catholics come into a living relationship with God, organized a course in Bratislava - the capital - this spring; four whole Saturdays, once a month. This Saturday we started a second one.  Almost 50 people completely filled the office we meet in. Some had traveled over two hours to get there. Once again the atmosphere, the sharing, and prayers for one another were warm and open. 

Other opportunities to share the 4 keys have been at our family conferences and VIVA network conference (children at risk) as well as having people come to our home to watch the DVDs. No matter what the form or the place is, the testimonies are the same, some more dramatic than others, but people are always renewed, strengthened, and encouraged in their walk with God. They begin to hear from God and start to involve Him in every area of their lives. 

Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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