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I Had a Blood Transfusion and Then My Emotions Went Haywire

Mark Virkler's picture

I received this question concerning blood transfusions: I had two transfusions this year, 8 units in all. I had really bad emotional times afterward, even doubting my salvation through Jesus. I’m wondering if it could have been the blood speaking of the people who donated the blood.

Answer: Yes, because the memory of the life of the donor is in the blood you have received, and this memory will contaminate you if it is not cleansed through prayer. So let's discuss the specific prayer approach that will resolve this issue.

The Bible says

  • "The life of the flesh is in the blood" (Lev. 17:11).
  • “For in regard to the life of all flesh, its blood is [the same] as its life; for the life of all flesh is its blood (Leviticus 17:14 Amplified Bible).  

The memory of our life experiences is resident in the cells within our bodies, which of course will include our blood. There is much scientific evidence proving this point and I have provided links to this evidence in my earlier blog, How to Clear Cellular Memories. I encourage you to read it now as it is complete and extensive. In the prayer approach below I have adapted the prayers discussed in Clearing Cellular Memories so they relate specifically to receiving blood transfusions.

Seven Steps for Clearing Cellular Memories and Experiencing Healing 

  1. Begin the prayer by coming before God in praise and worship and entering His rest - I put on some very soft soaking music to quiet my spirit before Him.
  2. Prayer for revelation - "Jesus, I come before You with the issue of the blood transfusions I have received from another individual. Lord, what are the traumas and memories resident in that person's blood which You desire to cleanse, and what are the abnormal emotional and physical responses that blood has produced in my body which You desire to heal?" Journal out what He speaks to you.
  3. Intercession for the donor -  "Jesus, minister healing to the wounds in the heart of this donor. Reveal Your presence to them. Comfort them in the various traumas they experienced." If a certain trauma lights upon your mind, pray specifically for Jesus' comfort to meet the donor and bring healing and release. Watch what Jesus does. Listen to what He speaks. You can stand in proxy for the person and follow His instructions by repenting, forgiving, releasing, honoring, and blessing the individuals involved in the trauma. John Arnott tells of asking a woman to forgive her horse for falling on her and crushing her hip. As soon as she forgave the horse, her hip pain vanished! Record what the Lord speaks and does, and what happens. 
  4. Cellular emotional trauma is released by Jesus - "Jesus, please remove the memory of this trauma which is stored in the blood transfusion I received." Pause, watch, look, listen and feel as Jesus ministers healing grace. Conclude with a couple of deep breaths. 
  5. Demonic entanglements are renounced in Jesus' name - "I renounce and break off all demons, in the name of Jesus, which were attached to these events." I pause, watch, look, listen and feel as Jesus ministers deliverance to me. Breathe out a couple of times forcefully and feel the release. Record what demons are rebuked and what you sense and see happening. The names of the demons will light upon your mind as spontaneous flowing thoughts and generally correspond with what they are causing: anger, hatred, fear, inferiority, condemnation, shame, infirmity, arthritis, etc. 
  6. Physical healing is received through Jesus - "Lord Jesus, would You shine Your light upon my blood?" Watch Jesus touch, heal and restore your damaged body part or your emotional and spiritual well-being. Then thank Him: “Thank You, Jesus, for Your healing, restorative touch. I receive it with gratefulness." Record what transpires.
  7. Divine gifts are revealed by Jesus - "Lord, what is the gift You have produced in my life through this trauma/event?” Record what this gift is and see and speak ONLY of this gift from now on!

Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   Spiritual Transformations   
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