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"I Am Not a Theory." - Journaling from Catch the Fire Leadership School

Mark Virkler's picture

The journaling below was shared in the January Catch the Fire School of Ministry school which I taught for a couple of days in Toronto. I asked Tammy Rideout if she would let me share it with you all. Listen as the Lord speaks...

I am not a theory.  I am not a process.  I am not a rule of thumb.

I am a Person and in my Person is all that pertains to and feeds life and love and thriving.

Knowing the Scriptures without knowing Me is like watching life from behind a thick pane of glass - a sealed up window. An enclosed, tasteless, scent-free, sterile box from which you see all of the colors, watch all of the movement, excitement and expression. Yet it cannot touch you for you are separated, shielded from it by the glass.

I am not the author of the window for I made you to swim in and be fully submerged and immersed in flowing and fluid life in all its capacities with fully alive sensations, emotions and experiences in depth. 

What immense sadness, what sorrow to see, to watch as a spectator and not be able to touch, to taste, to fully experience what I created and designed for you to enjoy. I have prepared in extravagance for you, life and love in fullness beyond your comprehension.

This window-gazing life has never been My heart for you, not now, not ever. 

I am not out of reach. Life - real, pulsating, burning, thriving passionate life - is available and fully accessible. It was prepared for you, I did so with you in mind.  

Come.  Come and eat.  Taste, taste and see.  Touch and feel and LIVE.  


Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   
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