Malachi Talabi writes: I woke up at 3am and heard the word FREE! Later in the day a text message from a work mate said “freedom.” How random? I was driving in my car and two vans in front of me hand the logo Freedom written in HUGE writing.I had to go and journal and see what God was saying. Here’s what I picked up...
Blow the trumpet for MY people coming out of the pit. Do you really believe in my freedom? This isn’t about a change of habit; it’s about a change of heart. I am going to change hearts. You see, people have tried to get free from things that I’ve been assigned to free them from.

I have an assignment to bring freedom into your life in every area of bondage and oppression. I am the one who is meant to deal with that. You see, the doctor isn’t a bondage breaker, although He can help. It's my anointing that breaks the yoke. I have a specific anointing to set captives free. You might say, "But Jesus, You did that on Calvary”. Yes, but you have to bring freedom into your reality.
On this journey, sometimes you fall into pits, traps and you can get side-tracked, soul-ties, bondages and addictions. These things can happen. Sometimes one little mistake can give birth to years of addiction. I am here to set people free. Some are addicted to pornography and they’ve tried, they've pleaded, they've tried, they’ve prayed, but I tell you, tell them that “I am a bondage breaker.” Some are addicted to lying and I will sanctify their mouths. Some are addicted to food, and they’ve given up thinking that the bondage breaker isn’t strong enough to help them.
I said in My word that “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” The truth is, I can break any addiction and any bondage with a willing heart. You don’t need willpower; I just need a willing heart - just a willing heart.
Once you know the truth, you’ll experience irreversible freedom. Once and for all you’ll never go back. This is the type of freedom I am talking about: total transformation. I can do it, and I will do it.
This is a season of freedom. Things won’t be the same again. People have got so used to living in prison that they don’t know that they are bound, but they are meant to be free.
- Emotionally free
- Financially free
- Physically free
But they have sought Me so many times that they don’t think freedom is possible. It is possible and it’s happening. I CAME TO SET CAPTIVES FREE from any prison, and every prison. I came to deal with every type of affliction, every infirmity and every addiction. Now it’s time to come to Me for deliverance. This is a time of freedom. I pray that Jesus sets you free in any area that you need freedom.
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the broken-hearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed (Isaiah 61:1)!
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