Linda - Oh how I cherish your words for they revive me daily. Teach me, Lord, help me understand as I meditate on all You say and all You do. You restore me and always encourage me. Help me, Faithful Father, to fully understand the privilege of knowing Your instructions and to never take Your words for granted. Help me to cling to Your Truth and walk it out daily. My Faithful Father I run after You without shame or apology for Your presence is my addiction and I never want rehab. I love You. Thank You for restoring what I thought I had lost.
Vision - I see myself as a little child sobbing because I couldn’t find my favorite doll. As I cry, Father God pulls me onto His lap and opens a book and begins reading to me. I am peaceful on His lap as I listen to Him speak.
Father God - Oh My child, you don’t need to ever worry about My words leaving you because they are hidden in your heart. Holy Spirit will bring them to your remembrance. It is also My pleasure to hold you close and speak them over you again and again like the childhood books that you heard so many times that you memorized them. I will speak them and even sing them over you while you sleep. I will even remind you in your dreams. I personally promise to never leave you. Ever! I love you, Linda. How could I not?
(Psalms 119:25-32)
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