Learning to hear God's voice has been the single most transformational experience of my life, excluding the actual act of accepting salvation. I have been a born again Christian since I was 17, having grown up in the church, which means I was full of doctrine and religion. Over the past 20 years, I have audibly heard the voice of God speak to me ONCE, giving me direction to do something. I did not know, nor did I realize a few things: 1) that he was always speaking, 2) I can always hear, and 3) that one time in 20 years could not count as a relationship.
Over the past 4 years I have been hungry for God in a way that I didn't know could be satisfied. I desperately wanted an experience! I started listening to other teachers who were New Age believers, and I told myself that I could take what I needed from that and throw away the rest. After all, it's "kind of" Christian. NOT. After a while I was walking the thin line of compromise.
Just last year, in 2010, a friend recommended the book How To Hear God's Voice after she was taking a bold step to move thousands of miles cross country to build her dream business. I had to know more. How did she know it was time? How did she know this was the place? It was fascinating as she told me the process she uses to hear Him. I quickly purchased the book "4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice." I began journaling in September and then stopped when it got "weird" asking God for dreams and visions. I thought, "I'm not that kind of Christian and besides, He doesn't speak to me that way." After 2 months of journaling I stopped and life resumed the chaotic, frustrating, confusion it had been.
Then, January 2012 came. I was beside myself with life. I needed more. I tried everything to satisfy this craving and hunger for more...I tried to fill it with more of everything that didn't matter. I was an unhappy mom, disorganized, and impatient. I was a failing business owner and selfish wife. I was always discontented and restless.
Then I recommitted to journaling. I wrote to God on Jan. 15 that I am committing to one year of communing with Him. I surrendered and released. Now 5 months later, I've discovered my calling, my Kingdom purpose! He's poured into me revelation upon revelation, prophecy, direction, guidance, lovingkindness like I have never experienced. He's spoken life over me and I will never, am never, the same again. I asked Him for a vision of my marriage, my relationship with my children and my ministry. He's given me dreams that have confirmed other things he's spoken to me. It's been a wonderfully exhilarating ride, living in faith with my Daddy!
I cannot go back to what I used to be. I've had, and continue to have an encounter with God that has flipped me inside out. And the best part...it didn't take a year. My first transformation happened in January! I love Daddy (that's what I call him now!) and it is the hightlight of my day to journal to Him. I haven't figured everything out yet. Sometimes receiving vision is not as clear as I'd like it to be. But he walks me through it and pulls me close every single time.
Thank you so much for being obedient and leading me to my Father who leads me to still waters. In fact that's where I picture us now...at still waters where we're just hanging out having fun. I am forever grateful for what you've taught me.
Lori R. Bell
Military Spouse Magazine's 2010 "Military Spouse of the Year"
National Association of Military Moms and Spouses
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How to Hear God’s Voice
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