According to My Blood Work - Healthier at Age 60

Mark Virkler's picture

Now is the time to become healthier! How about taking three months (or six months) and focusing on health with your home group or your friends? We have two books which teach on health directly. The first one was written when I was 40, and is called Go Natural and has DVDs, a book and a workbook. This is ideal for group as well as individual study. I would suggest you also obtain, as a companion resource, our newest book on health which we wrote at age 60, Healthier Today than Yesterday. Here are the blood work numbers to prove I am healthier at age 60 than at age 40.

Blood Work Numbers at Age 40 and Age 60 for Mark Virkler
Item Optimum Age 40 Age 60
Total Cholesterol Below 200 274 124
Triglycerides Below 150 300 59
Glucose Level Below 100 unavailable 69
Blood Pressure Below 120/80 unavailable 107/70

I Love Being Healthy!

It feels so good, and it allows me to live long enough to fulfill the destiny God has on my life. I have discovered I can choose to do the right things and by so doing, I can greatly improve my health. The two books mentioned above detail a list of right choices that we can make.

I believe health is from the inside out. Our spirit must be healthy for our soul and body to be healthy. I have had to cool the "Type A" behavior and learn to relax, and not be so intense, hostile, angry, impatient, and fearful. Letting Jesus heal these issues through hearing His voice, being Counseled by God and receiving Prayers that Heal the Heart were very important building blocks for me to overall health. 

Learning about diet and exercise and changing my personal choices have also helped greatly in restoring my health. I feel better now, at age 60, than I did at 30, 40 or 50. I love feeling good! Having been worn out, tired and depressed, and now feeling better, I am passionate to share this good news with everyone. You can feel better if you make some right choices!

There are so many natural and biblical and spiritual things you can do to maintain and regain your health that you don't need to be rushed into drugs and surgery when you are experiencing a health problem. I choose to do the natural, biblical and spiritual things first and give our bodies a chance to heal themselves and God a chance to work. When we do the right things, we give our bodies, souls and spirits the tools they need to do the jobs God has given them to do, which are to maintain and restore our health.

Sin Can Be a Contributing Cause of Sickness

Although even Peter's shadow brought healing (Acts 5:15), we need to understand that in addition to instantaneous miracles there are also "gifts of healings" (i.e., both the word "gifts" and "healings" are plural in 1 Cor. 12:28). So there is probably more than one way to be healed. James tells us that when we are sick we are to go to the elders of the church for prayer and that we are to confess our sins one to another so that we may be healed (Jas. 5:14-16). This clearly indicates that sin can be a contributor to sickness.

I can see two ways sin could contribute to a sickness:

  1. A direct sin against our body which damages our health – Daniel chose not to defile his body with the king's rich food (Dan. 1:8), but instead to eat a healthy diet, and within 10 days he appeared healthier than his friends (Dan. 1:15). The nourishment he was taking in was promoting excellent health! Rev. Peter Youngren shared with me a couple of weeks ago that he was told he had 90% blockage in his arteries and needed open heart surgery immediately or he would die. Instead he chose to change his diet. He stopped eating the king's rich food and now it is months later, and his health is improving steadily.
  2. Sin moves us out from under God’s protective covering which then leaves us vulnerable to satan's attack. For example, if we harbor anger and resentment, then we are turned over to the tormentors (Matt. 18:34,35). I find when I have pride, anger, judgment, or other sins, I am out from under the wall of His protection (Job 1:9,10; Ps. 91), and "accidents" and infirmities occur much more easily. 

So anytime I have a health problem, I always journal and ask, "Lord, is there any sin in my life that has opened up the door for this infirmity?" I record what He tells me and then I repent of the sin, and ask God to change my heart so I no longer desire to sin in this area. I think we need to feel free to ask God to reveal sin, and then to admit to the sin, and renounce it and turn from it. After all, we are sinners saved by grace. That is OK with me. There is no shame in being a sinner saved by grace. I am weak (Ps. 103:14), and when I turn to God, I am strengthened (Phil. 4:13).

Note: If I am not healed through personal and family prayer, then the next step is going to the elders of the church, with anticipation that their combined discernment and wisdom and prayers will move me forward into full healing. It is also clear that living righteously clears the way for God's grace to flow (Heb. 5:7).

Would it be Worth it to Focus On Health For a Year?

Patti and I focused two years on health when we were 40 and another two years on health when we were 60. It has been worth it. Why don't you focus on health for a year, or at the very least, three months? Team up and help a group of your friends become healthier. The life you save may be your own or one of your loved ones. One year from now you will be a year older, no matter what you do. Will you be enjoying greater health, or suffering increased pain and degeneration? The choice may be yours.

Resources for You and Your Group

Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?


Related Resources: 

How to Enjoy Vibrant Health!   

Related Blogs: 

Vibrant Health   
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