Suzanne Barker graduated from Christian Leadership University with a doctorate. You can see from her website that she is very passionate about health.
In a Zoom call with her recently, she offered me a bit of information I had never heard before. She said people with “Type A” blood tend to not produce as much HCl (stomach acid) as other blood types. Hm. I am A+ and I have had low stomach acid all my life, and have found that if I take an HCl capsule with anything that goes in my mouth, I digest it better, feel better, and don't end up clearing my throat for the next hour.
So I did an online search to check out the research and found this article. Here is a specific quote from it: Type O’s tend to have higher stomach acid than other types, while Type A’s tend to have lower stomach acid than other types. This does mean that Type O’s are better equipped to break down dense protein (like meat), while Type A’s are less well equipped, and will therefore do better with vegetarian proteins."
My story
Here is the HCl I order. I have experimented and found that for me, I need to take from 1 - 4 capsules, depending on how much I am consuming. The principle is that the more I am consuming, the more I need. So this is simply a health tidbit I am passing along. If you have or develop a testimony around this topic, send it to me and perhaps I can add it to this blog.
Caution: Yes, HCL is acid. So if you put it on your skin it will burn, or if you take too much, you will have a burning sensation in your stomach. If this happens, gulp down a glass of water, and this will neutralize the situation.
From Suzanne
Often, I find that GERD is a result of eating the wrong foods. I have done years of Food Sensitivity testing, (we actually are working on concluding a clinical trial in food sensitivity. I will share the results when they are complete), but when you look at the blood types and the corresponding diets, when people avoid the main three or four problem foods for their blood types, It’s amazing how much better they do. But I also believe in digestive enzymes and HCl, when appropriate. I can tell a lot from a stool test to whether someone would benefit from HCl. When they’re low in HCl, it also can allow bad bacteria to be overpopulated in the gut, causing gas, bloating, constipation, etc.
Some links to sites discussing this
Related Resources:
How to Enjoy Vibrant Health!
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