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Leaky Gut Syndrome Affecting Up to 80% of the Population

Mark Virkler's picture

It was a couple of years ago when I first remember hearing about leaky gut. However that wasn’t the phrase they used. Instead I was told, “Eating gluten tears holes in your gut.” Well, that was sure hard and revolting for me to picture. A hole in my gut, and sewage passing back into my body? This just struck me as “really out there” so I set the idea aside.

My story...

It came back to me because I knew Hypocrates had stated that "All disease begins in the gut” and I knew my gut was not happy. Whenever I ate, I felt intestinal upset, gassy, bloated and my body would heat up and get clammy. I had a skin irration that would keep re-appearing and floating  around my body, which would go away whenever I did a cleanse and restricted eating. So I finally muscle tested myself and my body confirmed I had a leaky gut.

Since I had just turned 65, and Medicare had kicked in with free doctors’ visits, I figured that since I had not been to a MD for 25 years, I would go to an “integrative doctor” whom I hoped could test me out and help me resolve my issue. However, when I mentioned a skin irritation, his response was, “I need to send you to a dermatologist." I said, “No, it is not a skin issue, it is a leaky gut.” He had no answer, so I left and booked an appointment with an alternative doctor, Dr. Springer from Life Works Wellness Center in Clearwater, Florida. (He also works at Spectra Wellness Solutions in Tampa.

There I did get full diagnostic testing done as well as an hour of muscle testing by Dr. Springer, who really knows his stuff. The bottom line: I had a leaky gut, caused by bacteria and overgrown yeast in my colon. I had all the outworkings of a leaky gut which were: stressed out lymphatic and adrenal systems, food allergies to about ten foods, and a need to balance out various systems within my body. Dr. Springer also noted I have an alkaline stomach (i.e. not enough HCL acid to properly digest food, and this was causing no only intensinal upset after meals but also contributed to bacteria and yeast problems. So the solution for me was 1 HCL tablet with a snack, 2 with a light meal and three with a meal with meat in it. If you take too much, the result is loose stools.

The counsel was no gluten for six weeks so the gut wall can heal, and no sugar so I starve out the yeast. Required blood work, saliva testing and stool samples confirmed and clarified the inner workings of my body. His prescribed natural health products which also battled the yeast, the bacteria and sought to balance and assist the body's self-healing processes.

Six weeks later the leaky gut was healed, and the yeast was half-way under control. So another six weeks of more products and the same restricted diet.

I was doing my own research during during the weeks I was seeing Dr. Springer

I went to to see how real leaky gut was (also called intestinal permeability). In looking at the numbers of scientific studies listed below, I came into the light and realized, gluten and leaky gut is a BIG issue with 50,000 or more studies having been conducted on it. Here are just a few of the numbers from my searches on

Gluten intolerance – 22,625 articles, Intestinal permeability – 12,914 articles, gluten - 13,125 articles, non celiac gluten sensitivity – 632 articles, autism gluten – 131 articles, Wheat sensitivity – 2,364 articles, Wheat allergy – 1,597 articles, Wheat Intolerance - 250 articles, Wheat gluten – 3,263 articles,

I then went over to GreenMedInfo: Gluten Sensitivity 106 articles

[Download the free scholarly ebook, "The Dark Side of Wheat" by signing up for his free newsletter (scroll down a bit to sign up).]

So now I am convinced! Hypocrates is right. Science is now confirming "All disease begins in the gut.” Leaky gut is a MAJOR issue and I need to make sure to fix any leaky gut issues I may have so I don’t polute myself from within, thus destroying my health.

Links to great articles which explain leaky gut

I received excellent advice through several “chance encounter” conversations

In a conversation with a friend, where I mentioned leaky gut syndrome, he immediately connected me with Robert Scott Bell, who hosts an internet radio program. Robert said to mix colloidal silver with aloe in a 50/50 split and take it a couple of times a day. Since we have our own colloidal silver maker, we had a couple of ounces of each, twice a day.  Muscle response testing showed I needed each product and if I would combine them together, muscle testing said they were over-the-top awesome. This confirmed what Robert had said, “The Aloe was a carrier to get the colloidal silver all the way to the gut.” Colloidal silver will kill off bacteria, and aloe heals the gut wall. Note: Colloidal silver should not be taken all the time.

Another chance encounter has just brought me to this amazing video. I discussed this video, and the product recommended, with one of my naturopaths and he was aware of the medical doctor and the product and highly recommended both. so I have just purchased this and will be trying it in a few days. Is supposed to kill off bad bacteria in the gut, feed healthy bacteria, produce weight loss and restore the gut lining and overall health. I am excited to give this product a try to see what it may do for me.

I did additional research online and confirmed through muscle testing the following products are good for me…

So I have added each of the above to my regimen.

Finding substitutes for wheat, flour and sugar

If you feel you can’t get to Dr. Springer in Tampa, here are additional resources on leaky gut

Get REALLY INSPIRED with this 17 minute video testimony on Minding Your Mitochondria by Dr. Terry Wahls. She describes her restoration from multiple sclerosis by simply changing to the diet God gave us in Gen. 1:29. After watching this video, watch some of the additional TEDX video testimonies which appear along the right side of the above link.

Before you decide not to bite the bullet and take a few weeks or a few months' vacation in sunny Tampa on the beach, realize that by allowing these experts to guide you, you will greatly speed up your body's healing processes. However, I do understand sometimes it just is not possible, so below are excellent resources you may access.

  1. Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disorders
  2. 37 Ways To Heal Your Leaky Gut
  3. The Simple Way to Heal Your Gut
  4. Testing for Food Sensitivities
  5. Dramatic Recovery In Parkinson’s Patient with Gluten Free Diet
  6. This Is Your Body (and Brain) on Gluten
  7. Wheat Belly - Kindle
  8. Rebuttal to the book "Wheat Belly"
  9. The Dark Side of Wheat - Free download book when you sign up for Newsletter. It consists of PubMed research articles so this book is for the intense thinker.
  10. Guidelines for those who want to eat wheat

Tips for Resolving Colitis

  1. Ulcerative Colitis Diet
  2. Ulcerative Colitis Natural Treatments
  3. Six Ways To Naturally Manage Ulcerative Colitis
  4. 235 Abstracts with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Research
  5. Liquid Aloe is restorative to the colon.  A couple of ouches morning and evening, and if you have a colloidal silver maker, mix your drink 50/50 with colloidal silver and aloe.

Understanding and Resolving Candida Yeast Overgrowth

  1. 9 Candida Symptoms and 3 Steps to Treat Them
  2. Tropical Fruit For Natural Yeast Infection Treatment
  3. All Natural Yeast & Fungal Cleanser
  4. Essential Stacks 11-In-1 Candida Cleanse Support Supplement with Detailed Candida Cleanse Program
  5. 9 Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
  6. 10 Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections
  7. Candida Cleanse 120 Capsules Veggie Caps with Herbs, Antifungals, Enzymes and Probiotics (1500 reviews with 4.5 average)
  8. What Is Candida? Understanding Yeast Imbalance
  9. Could a Candida Infection Be Sabotaging Your Health? Free E-book

Mark's Blogs on Healing Digestion

Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?


Related Resources: 

How to Enjoy Vibrant Health!   

Related Blogs: 

Digestive Health   Vibrant Health   
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Anonymous's picture

Very informative! Thanks for sharing.

I hear that a low-carb diet like keto helps with leaky gut syndrome. Limiting food with high carbs then replacing them healthier alternatives might be a good place to start.

Mark Virkler's picture

Yes, we have actually been on the Keyto diet for the last 4 months, and it seems good. Probably helping, but does not appear to have fully solved leaky Gut, so we have just added "Restore" by Dr. Gundry to see if that helps.

Anonymous's picture

What a great article! Thanks for your example, story, and all the time it took for you to do that research. I definitely need to look into this.

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