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Healing Adrenal Fatigue by Living in "His Rest" Has Great Health Benefits

Mark Virkler's picture

Working and living “in the state of ease” has tremendous health benefits. It produces heart coherence while releasing adrenal stress. Adrenal stress shortens one’s lifespan as attested to by the articles below. A few of the symptoms of adrenal stress are tiredness, craving sweet or salty snacks, inability to cope with stress, and foggy thinking.

There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. They were not able to enter because of unbelief. Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience (Heb. 3:19; 4:9-11).

Brief Overview of Adrenal Fatigue

Every naturopath I have gone to for the past 15 years has told me I have adrenal fatigue, which I understood to be caused by living in emotional stress. I objected, saying, "I have learned to abide in Christ." Well, guess what, there are numerous causes of adrenal fatigue. They are listed below. By properly offsetting all five causes, one can experience relief from adrenal fatigue. 

Five main causes of adrenal fatigue are: 1) emotional stress, which is typically related to grief, loss, or anxiety (fight/flight) which can be current stress or stress which has been stored within as cellular memories, 2) Thinking all the time, living continuously in your mind, 3) Poor diet, which involves eating too many simple, refined carbs, 4) Chronic inflammation in your body which can be caused by a leaky gut,  5) Planet Earth's increased toxicity which includes 95,000 man-made chemicals which have been introduced, polluting every aspect of our environment. These include pesticides, herbicides, GMO foods and heavy metals as well as all the chemicals used to create the products we use. These are all hormone disruptors and immune system stimulants that stress our body and therefore our adrenals. 

The articles below provide an excellent overview of adrenal fatigue

  1. Adrenal Fatigue Treatment by Dr. Springer. Acknowledgements: Dr. Springer also helped restore my stressed out adrenal, heal my leaky gut and yeast overgrowth, and oversee the development of this blog, Healing Adrenal Fatigue by Living in "His Rest" Has Great Health Benefits.
  2. Fight Stress and Support Adrenals with Adaptogens
  3. Steps to Reduce Cortisol, Stress, and Improve Health
  4. There are excellent series of articles here and here
  5. The Kalish Method—An Effective Way to Address and Heal Adrenal Fatigue
  6. Beat Stress With US Marine Mind Trick (or) my suggestion is to use the River of Life Devotional

Techniques that can help support a healthy response to stress

  1. Behavioral techniques to lower stress and manage high cortisol levels
    • Diet - Avoid simple carbohydrates, sugar, caffeine and other stimulants
    • Healing a leaky colon (remove gluten [wheat, rye and barley] and remove sugar as sugar feeds yeast, since you likely need to kill off an overgrowth of yeast in your colon). Figure on three months to accomplish this, unless your situation is extremely severe (i.e. auto-immune disease), then figure on up to a year.
    • Rest – get 8 hours of sleep, live relaxed, joyful, thankful, loving and celebrating life. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God (Phil. 4:6)
    • Meditation/relaxation: 5 - 15 minutes morning and evening – Options can include praying in tongues, the River of Life devotional or an EmWave2 session. I find that when I do the River of Life devotional, entering deeply into the experience, the EmWave2 read-out will show a high rate of heart coherence and a lowered heartbeat. Background music which produced heart coherence: The best music, great coherence music, good coherence music. Another way to get out of your mind is silent reverence and being totally present by simply observing all that God has created, down to the bark on the trees and the ant making its way through the carpet of leaves on the ground.
    • Exercise: 30-45 minutes of both anaerobic (resistance training) and aerobic (walking, jogging, cycling) every other day.
    • Healing cellular memories
  2. Supplements to reduce high cortisol levels
    • Vitamins: Vitamin C: 1000-3000 mg/day, B-Complex, Probiotics, Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids):1-4 gm/day. Phosphatidylserine: 300-800 mg/day, Rhodiola rosea: 100-200 mg/day, standardized extract, Ginseng: 100-300 mg/day, standardized extract, Ginkgo biloba: 100-200 mg/day, standardized extract, DHEA: 25-50 mg/day (any hormone supplementation should be monitored by your physician).
    • Teas: Green Tea, Black Tea, Honey and cinnamon Tea (honey - see this note on honey), more healing teas listed here.
    • Sedative herbs: hops, passionflower, poppy, valerian and lemon balm 
    • Adaptogenic Herbs: Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, Holy basil, Bacopa, Cordyceps and Schisandra

Two-way journaling - “Getting out of my mind” so as to release adrenal stress

Lord, what do You want to say to me about getting out of my mind?

Mark, it is really getting out of purely logical, self-directed thinking. It is also about giving your mind a total rest by going entirely with flowing emotions coming from pictures, so it is getting out of the left hemisphere and the cognitive state, and entering the right hemisphere and tuning to the heart. It is relaxing, ceasing striving, laughing, celebrating with joy and laughter, and peace and being filled with overflowing love. That is what getting out of your mind means.

You can do this with the River of Life and with EmWave2 and with joy, and laughter and fun. You can do this by speaking in tongues. It is done by going from beta to alpha, being spontaneous, attentive to the moment, as any child is. It is becoming childlike. It is entering the Kingdom. My kingdom. It is joining with and experiencing Me. It is life in the Garden, as we take walks together and share and talk and commune with one another. 

It is ME flowing through YOU. It is life as it was intended to be, before satan’s temptation, that “YOU can be like God KNOWING good from evil” where you make your own judgments flowing from your own mind, rather than flowing from My Spirit within your heart. It is a defilement of how I designed you to live. Abiding brings you back. Being a branch grafted into the Vine, brings you back. The River of Life devotional brings you back. Speaking in tongues brings you back. EmWave2 trains you how to come back. You are coming back to The Garden, back to your heart, back to communion, back to Me.

Use these tools. Come to Me. Live out of Me and all will be well with your soul.

Thank You, Lord. I choose this lifestyle. I choose abiding. I choose You. I choose love and union and non-judgment.

Any judgment which flows from your mind is man’s judgment, evil and wrong, as you have succumbed to the temptation of satan in the Garden of Eden. Any judgment which flows from your heart, while in communion with Me, is good and divine and righteous judgment. Choose ONLY righteous judgment; never man’s judgment. Choose ONLY righteous judgment; never man’s judgment. Choose ONLY ME, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Yes, Lord, I choose only You.

Thank you, Mark, and I choose YOU to be My pal and to walk with Me through the streams of life.


Related Resources: 

Spiritual Transformations   

Related Blogs: 

Healing Emotional Dis-ease   
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