Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

God's spoken words produce miracles as we speak them out and act in faith

Mark Virkler's picture

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. (Isa 55:11)

Here is a short teaching by Randy Clark where he explains how he grew in faith that if he would speak out the words he felt God was speaking within him, he would see an increase in healing miracles:

This Randy Clark teaching is also related and extremely valuable in increasing one's healing ministry:

Below is a key take-away idea from this teaching:

When words of knowledge are being called out in a service, add this instruction to go along with it.

  • If you have this, stand up immediately.
  • The moment you feel something happen in your body, put one hand in the air.
  • If it increases, wave your hand.
  • The moment you realize that you are 80% better, wave both hands in the air.

This is one of the ways of building faith in a congregation.

These are inspiring to watch, and extremely faith-building! Lord, let us all grow in discernment of Your rhema words in our hearts so we call them forth in faith and see healings and Your sovereign will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

Note: God's voice is sensed as flowing thoughts that light upon our minds as we are focused on Jesus. Learn more at


Related Resources: 

How to Enjoy Vibrant Health!   How to Hear God's Voice!   
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