Linda Burton Journals about Luke 14

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The wonderful testimony and journaling below comes from one of our students, Linda Burton. Enjoy this word from the Lord!

"We were out of town in late January and had a lot of work facing us when we arrived home.  Even though I read the book of Luke while we were traveling, I felt like I needed to re-study the second half as I felt like there was more to glean from this section of Scripture.  I journaled on Luke 14 and I received revelation on keeping my eyes on Jesus. I believe my relationship with Jesus is growing in ways I have not experienced before. It feels like I am feeling it deep in my heart and not just learning it in my head.  I am seeing practical ways to apply what I am learning.  It is making sense in ways it has not before.  Feels good!"

Feb 24, 2015 - Journaling about Luke 14

Lord Jesus, would You please teach me about the parable of the ambitious guest, inviting the poor, crippled, lame and blind, and the parable of the Great Supper?

Narnie, so many people seek a place of importance among men.  They have to be looked upon with grandeur.  In My Kingdom, it is not to be so.  My Father is to be elevated and glorified, not men.  Do you not realize that My Father has great compassion for those who men look down upon?  Did you not feel the Father’s love for you when you had a broken knee, when your legs would not work, when you have struggled to overcome sin, when life just didn’t work right for you?  Those were the times when you were most honored by the Father.  He heard your cries and He answered.

Lord, what about the Great Supper? 

For all the time of history I have knocked on the hearts of men, women and children.  Come to My Father’s feast.  I have given a welcome invitation to Israel.  So many have had excuses and turned My invitation down.  I turned to the Gentiles.  Narnie, I am crying out to all people everywhere.  Come, you are invited to the greatest marriage feast ever.  People have hearts that are centered on themselves and their agendas.  Their eyes are not focused upon Me.  Now do you see, Narnie, why it is so vitally important that you keep your eyes focused upon Me?  Otherwise, you too may make an excuse and not come to the wedding feast.

Lord, what about the gift I am to bring to the wedding feast? 

Narnie, the gift has already been bought.  It is the gift of your acceptance of My sacrifice.  The gift of your love and your relationship.  The gift of your obedience and faithfulness.  Do you understand you were once poor, blind, lame and sick?  All you had to give was your humble self.  That, Narnie, is the gift I desired - all of you. 

I see, Lord, that if we have our vision on something or someone other than You, it will become bigger in our sight than You and we will miss the Great Supper and the great relationship and walk with You.  I also see that if our eyes are on something other than You, we will miss the best You have for us. 

Narnie, keep your eyes on Me!


Linda is taking the Life of Christ training module in our School of the Spirit. Come and join her in this revalatory experience and post your journaling along with Linda's, in the chatroom that accompanies this course. We'd love to meet you there!

The first course we ask everyone to take is Hearing God's Voice so that all may hear Him through Scripture as Linda has.


Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   
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