Free Kids Bible Training and Songs During Quarantine by Linda Harper

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Yes, It's tough being quarantined with KIDS! Here's the help you need to succeed! It is absolutely FREE until the quarantine ends and school begins.
Click to View Download 

There are no hidden charges or "surprise subscriptions". This  $79 value curriculum is not available on my website yet. You are my dear customer and friend, and this is my FREE GIFT in advance to you! Thank you for your purchases and prayers that have kept this Ministry to Children moving forward! Thanks to you, we are "Infusing the Word of God through Song" to children around the world!

In the midst of this crazy Coronavirus chaos, you can make the most of this unique opportunity by introducing your children to Jesus. You can successfully build a strong and enduring Foundation of FAITH in the children in your life! You will be equipping them for success as young men and women who know how to make wise choices because they know and can hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, Jesus!

"Introducing Children to Jesus"
A Helpful Guide for all who have Children in their lives
Click To View Download

The 7 Steps to "Introducing Children to Jesus" are made FUN and EASY with Songs and Coloring Sheets.

Your children will easily learn Bible verses as they sing and do the motions. The songs are a win-win for everyone! It’s good to have FUN, making learning a happy time for you and your children.

This FREE Curriculum is designed to make Spiritual Growth and Soul Care for Kids both Fun and Effective! No need to worry or feel stressed, this is a 
"Self-Paced Study"!
 YOU decide when to move forward to the next lesson. 

You'll find included for Free:
    (5"x7" to Frame)

Helping a child come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is an awesome privilege! Their tender hearts have the capacity to believe and receive His love if we just take the time to introduce them! Jesus not only offers them salvation, but He also desires to be their very best friend forever! Let’s help them become members of God’s family at an early age.

The time is NOW! You have this unique window of opportunity, one that is swiftly closing. Soon the quarantine will end, school will begin, and busy lives will begin humming again in a flurry of activities. Let's take advantage of TODAY! You will be surprised at what God will do with you, and with your children, as you spend intentional time with Him together.

I am believing for many children to be Introduced to Jesus in this season. I am praying and agreeing with you, that your children will be among them!

Many Blessings,

Mrs. Linda

Click Here To Download

1. Download, print and review the Lesson
2. Download the songs, prepare a way to play
3. Download, and Print Letter-Size Coloring Sheets

Permission granted to reproduce for home or classroom use. 
This is a self-paced study. YOU decide when to move forward!  


You also have an additional FREE GIFT waiting just for YOU! Please collect your FREE Scripture Song with Matching Coloring Sheet today!

FREE Song And Coloring Sheet !!!



Below is a series of blogs I have written on the subject of coronavirus

Read them and be encouraged!

  1. Quarantine and Cleanliness: God’s Ideas or Just the Government's?
  2. We ALL Need a WONDERFUL COUNSELOR as Covid-19 Becomes a Worldwide Pandemic
  3. Confronting Covid-19 - A Picture from God
  4. Make Quarantine an Amazing Time of Personal Spiritual Transformation Through eLearning
  5. The Heavens Declare God’s Victory Over Coronavirus By Isabelle Declercq
  7. My Sister May Have Coronavirus – An Email of Support
  8. Free Kids Bible Training and Songs During Quarantine by Linda Harper
  9. Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining - By Bill Dupley
  10. Peace and Health In The Midst of Tribulation
  11. Caronavirus And Fear
  12. Victory Over Coronavirus! - A Prophetic Dream - Here is a Japanese translation of this blog 
  13. Vibrant Immune Systems in the Midst of Coronavirus + What Really Are the Numbers?

Related Blogs: 

Training Children to Hear God's Voice   
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Give a "Thank You" Gift to Mark and Patti Virkler: One-Time Donation

If you or your friends or family have been blessed by Mark and Patti's ministry, this is an opportunity to say "thank you" by blessing them with a financial gift. 

Checks can be made out to Communion With God Ministries with a notation that they are a gift for Mark & Patti Virkler, 11918 Lazio Ln., Orlando, FL. 32827. For electronic giving, adjust your contribution by typing any amount into the white box below.

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by Mark Virkler

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Price: $9.95
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185 slides

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Through the Bible Handbook of Answers eBook

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Through the Bible Teacher's Guide eBook

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Price: $17.95
