Linda - I love you Lord and I so enjoy our daily time together. Help me, Lord. I feel I understand the verses in John 7:37-39 but when I read John, I thought of Ezekiel 47 in regard to the Holy Spirit. So tell me about this Ezekiel River? I always assumed this was for the far-off future, maybe heaven, but now I have questions. Tell me about this amazing river. Is it for my life now, or is it a reference to something in heaven?
Jesus - The answer is yes. This amazing river is for now AND for all eternity - a literal river and an image of a sacred union.
Let’s look at the image because nothing brings Me more joy than when I am one with My children. This is a journey, beloved, so don’t despise the small beginnings of the ankle-deep water. Jump in, get your feet wet, and feel the pull of the Spirit current as you walk through. Trust is vital and it does not happen overnight. I am patient and I enjoy each step you take in this journey for I know where it leads. I am excited for the now, but also because I see the future.
I say go - just go
Fast or slow - just go
In the end, you will know,
You will look back and see what I have seen from the beginning.
In this river's flow, you will see provision and healing as you submit to My Spirit current.
Ankle to knee, knee to waist
The further we go, the deeper we go,
You will know, yes you will know what I have known from the beginning.
As I flow around you, through you, you are one with Me, and when you can no longer find the river bottom, My Spirit current will carry you in ecstatic joy as we go and you will know that we are one - you in Me and Me in you.
We will do mighty exploits together. You will look back and see the provision; the fruit that now grows in all the places this river carried us. We will leave a legacy of abundant life where death once reigned. Submit to the will of the current, My beloved. Allow the flow, and you will grow, as you go.
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