The Fear Wall Broken Using the "Sea of Galilee"

Mark Virkler's picture

The “Sea of Galilee” has been our biggest product release to date! Over 3000 accessed it online, 3500 units of the “Sea of Galilee” product were purchased in its first 30 days, and testimonies have already begun to pour in concerning its impact in transforming lives. (Please send your testimony to The following testimony has been sent to us from Lou Bardal

I am sending you my journaling after watching your latest video, "A Stroll Along the Sea of Galilee." I imagined myself walking with Jesus on the path near the Sea of Galilee. I wrote down the question I would ask Him beforehand. The question was, “What do You want to say to me, Lord?”

I saw myself walking with Jesus along the path. I noticed the green hills and the lake. It was a warm sunny day. Then we walked down next to the lake in the sand. I followed Jesus up to a large rock and He walked up to it and sat down and asked me to come too.

I just stood there and the next thing I saw was His hand reaching down to me. His hand was a huge hand however. It was a giant hand and He put it almost on the ground next to my feet and invited me to step on to it.

But I was afraid to step on it. I was afraid to step on it because I was so afraid of having a vision. I had been taught that I could see Jesus back in 1987 and I had seen Him twice. However, I had read a book shortly after that and the book said that to visualize was a New Age practice. I had become so frightened after reading the book that I threw it away, but the seeds of doubt remained. I had long since stopped asking Jesus what He was doing and had not “looked” to see Him.

I have gone through Mark Virkler's CDs and DVDs on How to Hear God's Voice. I have journaled quite extensively in the past 3 years but vision has not been practiced very much. So this time when I took the courage to imagine Jesus I saw His giant hand extended to me. I began to cry. In fact I wept profusely. If someone had been in the house they would have heard me crying. I then admitted to the Lord that I was afraid to step onto His hand. I wept and wept for quite a while and then my weeping changed to hysterical laughter. It was the joyful holy laughter that I have experienced before.

I felt brave now, so I stepped onto the hand. As I did I began to laugh again and I heard the Lord say, “Who is he that will condemn you? Will Christ Jesus, who died for you?” When I stepped onto His hand I saw myself being lifted up by His huge hand.

I responded, "You are a giant! You are great and mighty! I am so small and tiny! You lift me up and let me speak into Your huge ear! I am so very tiny, but You place me right into Your ear. It is like a bench because Your ear is so huge. I sit here speaking to You."

I am praying in tongues. I mention to Jesus the 2 people I had prayed with the day before at church. I want them to “get it” and be healed! I hear You say, “You heal them, Lou, just like I healed them when I walked the earth. You don't heal them in your name, Lou, you heal them in My name.

I believe that I actually broke through that "fear wall" when I saw the giant hand of Jesus and stepped out on it!

Below is another vision which I call Under The Shade Tree. I received this as I used the Sea of Galilee DVD with Julie True’s music the second time.  

Lord, what would You like to say to me?

Lou's words: I look and see You sitting under a shade tree, waiting for me to come. As I come up to You, You stand up and put out Your hand to me and take my hand. You bring me back to the tree and we sit down together under the tree. This tree shades us from the sun. As I sit here I look at Your face and You smile at me. You hold my hand and chuckle. Then You say to me, “I'm so glad to be with you, Lou, and to spend this time with you."

The Lord continues, “Today, you have become like the two Mary's in the gospels. You are like My mother, Mary, who is humbly believing what you are now seeing--this vision of Me under the shade tree. You are also like Mary, the sister of Martha. For you have chosen the better part--it shall not be taken from you.

"I want you to know that when you come to be with Me, I come to be with you. In fact, I'm drawn to you. This one look from your eye has stolen My heart once again. I have much to share with you. When you desire to be with Me and to sit and write out the words that flow from My heart to yours, we are sitting in the shade of our Father's love. It was for this joy that I endured the cross. You cannot lose this. This is the secret place and I know that this is the desire of your heart--to know that you know that we are together-- you with Me and I with you."

Now I see Jesus reach up and He picks fruit from this tree. It is the fruit of love and He gives me a taste of it. It is full of juice and it is sweet and tart and cold and refreshing. It makes me feel invigorated and even helps me see better. I see beauty. I see Jesus stroke my hair and then He kisses my forehead.

Next I see Him take this fruit and hide it within His robe which is shining white light. He opens His robe and the fruit is burning with fire. It is not consumed by the fire, but it gets brighter.

The Lord says, “It (the fruit) becomes more fervent. It burns hotter--this fruit fire--this fire fruit. It is because you took a bite of it, Lou, and I have brought it close to My heart because it contains your desire for Me. And so you search for this fruit because you want another bite of it. You find it in My burning heart and take it into your hands and your hands are lit on fire with My fire!

"Then you give it back to Me and I put it back into My burning heart of love and hold it fast, but you have not let go of it. So you come into My burning heart with Me and your heart is caught on fire with My consuming fire. We become one in desire, one in purpose, and one in love. And you want to tell others about this great warming burning fire of love that each one can experience."

Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?


Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   Spiritual Transformations   
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