Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

Encountering God in the High Places of Heaven by Patty Sadallah

Mark Virkler's picture

Spirit Life Workshops recently delivered the SOAR HIGHER Spirit Life Workshop in Panama City Beach, Florida and I (Mark Virkler) asked Dr. Patty Sadallah to share the anointed finale encounter she led us in. Both Patti and I had powerful heavenly experiences as we participated in this visionary journaling experience. In the guided exercise below, Patty Sadallah had us go for a walk with Jesus up through the clouds into heaven where there were several doors/rooms He could take us into to reveal things to us. As "flow" took over, this became wonderful heavenly room experiences that profoundly impacted our lives with faith, hope, and love. I trust you will experience the same!

Workshop participants worked through four stages during the four-day event including 1:  Learning about their Christ Identities so they can know “I am who God says I am”.   2.  Stretching past their comfort zone challenges them to say “Yes” to the large and wonderful call on their lives.  3.  Understanding how to pass the tests of character and spiritual warfare trials to persevere toward the plans God has for them.  And understanding how to worship and battle from the uniqueness of who God called them to be.  And finally, 4. Learning how to see things from God’s heavenly perspective and live out of the flow of the Holy Spirit from the high places where their spirits dwell.

There are some anchoring Scriptures to help you understand why it is important to seek God in the high places.

Come Up Higher

Revelations 4:1,2 - After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this. Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold …  And then John received the rest of the 21 chapters of the book of Revelation.  

Notice that John looked and when he did, he saw.  John looked 17 times and saw 47 times in the 21 chapters of the book of Revelation.  Looking with the eyes of your heart is one of the spiritual senses that everyone has, and the purpose is for us to receive from the Lord what He has for us to understand.

John also heard a voice speaking to him.  He was using the ears of his heart to listen.  The voice was the LORD and he said, “Come up here”.   This may sound like an invitation, or a suggestion, but when a verb begins a sentence in the Bible, it is a command.  God wants EVERY believer to come up to His perspective. 

The Lord comes down to meet you where you are

I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath (Ps. 116:1,2)!

The Lord bends down and listens to you when you pray.   But He wants you to come up to His perspective because there is more for you there.  It is the journey to spiritual maturity to want to move from God coming down to meet you where you need Him, to you wanting to come up to meet Him where He needs you to be. 

The Spiritually High Places

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (Jn. 14:2,3 NIV)

The word for room is moné and it means a place to abide, to dwell, to stay, to be.

There are many places that Jesus could take you.  He can take you to one of these places today, and then He can take you to any of these other places whenever you desire and He has something to show you there. 

Some of the places in heaven that Jesus could take you today… He will take you to one, but you can ask Him to take you to any and all of them! He knows which room you need today!

About 100 verses about heavenly places:

  • Your special place - This is your spiritual home base where God meets with you about all the areas in your life that you need His help and guidance. The more time you spend with Him in this place, the more you will love and trust Him and realize who He really is.
  • Healing places - for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.
  • Truth places - to help you understand who God is and who you truly are:This is for unlearning limiting lies that may be holding you back so you can allow God to transform you into your Christ Identity.
  • Treasure places - to help you understand how to pull down the resources of heaven for Kingdom purposes, not for selfish purposes. See the link for 14 verses about the treasures of heaven:
  • Library places - where the book of your life and God’s plan is for you. (See Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 139:16.)
  • Destiny places - where God can show you how to navigate this life plan and give you glimpses of the future He has for you. Here are about 25 verses about God’s plans for you:
  • Creative strategy places - for God to birth new ideas and longstanding solutions to problems related to your destiny mountain.And to receive wisdom and angelic assistance for problem solving and destiny assignments. See podcast episode about ways that angels help us and how to cooperate with the ministry of angels:
  • Connections places - where God can show you who is your tribe and how to connect with them for your destined purpose.
  • Other places - He can take you exactly where you need to go!

Remember that you can ask Jesus to take you to any of these rooms because your spirit is now seated in heavenly places.  So go back and visit them all!

The guided walk into heaven with Jesus

  • Click here ( for Dr. Patty’s guided encounter where you will meet God in the high heavenly place of His choosing.   
  • At minute 17:20 you are with Jesus in the Throne Room. Hit "pause" on the audio recording and journal for the next 5-15 minutes the full encounter as Jesus explains to you what is in this particular room He has led you to.

Spirit Life Workshops will be producing a SOAR HIGHER Spirit Life Workshop downloadable product if you would like the teaching content and handouts of the entire 7 session, 4-day event.  If you want to be notified when that is released, and you are not already on our mailing list, please go to  and sign up for our mailing list for this and information about all future workshop offerings.


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