Over the past few months, we have felt led by the Lord to prepare ourselves for emergency situations so that we have provision for our family and are able to share with others in need. Weather disasters over the last few years are enough in themselves to make a person think about getting prepared for an emergency. Power and water can be out for weeks. Grocery stores are stripped bare at the first forecast of severe weather.
Our parents were prepared to be self-sufficient if necessary. They had a well for water, a generator for power, wood furnace for heat, stored food, and a gun for hunting. Actually, our generation may be the first generation to not have much of anything set aside for an emergency.
Rick Joyner has been promoting this concept for several years. When I am on the road, I run into people all the time who are making preparations in case of an emergency. So I am assuming this may be on your heart also, and if so, we thought you might be interested to know the steps the Lord is having us take and the places we have discovered excellent resources.
From Rick Joyner’s survival website, we have purchased a water purifier (and we have a creek running through our property).
From Independent Living we have purchased an “E-Pack” (which we affectionately call our “Bug-out Pack”) for if we need to leave home in a hurry or get stuck in our car in a snowstorm (always a possibility here in western New York!). Also from Independent Living, we purchased a “Colloidal Silver” Home Generator. Colloidal silver is used by NASA as a water purification system for its space shuttles, and is put into the eyes of newborns to protect them from infection. It was used by the medical profession as their chief antibiotic until the 1930’s. It is currently used in hospital burn units and has been proven effective against more than 650 different disease-causing pathogens, including many viruses. They recommend an ounce a day for prevention and more when ill. (By the way, instead of chemicals, we put this Colloidal Silver unit on our 24,000 gallon pool this summer.) Independent Living also recommends the purchase of some silver and gold coins which can be used in an emergency and are also a good investment.
From Shelf Reliance we purchased freeze-dried food which tastes good, has no preservatives, and lasts 25 years. (Click on “shop” to see all their products.)
We have a generator for our home and stored gasoline to run it. We also have a fireplace and some wood stored for heat and cooking.
If you are feeling the leading of the Lord to be prepared, we sense that NOW is the time to do it! Don’t wait.
We choose not to live in fear, and part of that ability comes from having provisions laid aside for a rainy day. Obviously our trust is in the Lord, for He is our ultimate Sustainer and Provider.
Part two of this blog explores four different views of End Time Prophecy: Does Bible Prophecy Say The Tribulation Is Coming Soon? Should I Live In Fear?
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