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An EASY Way for You to Spread Revival: Have Mark Virkler Teach Your Zoom Group!

Mark Virkler's picture

Draw together a “Communion With God Encounter Group”! Other possible names include “Spiritual Intimacy Group,” "Discover God’s Voice for Everyday Living Group," etc. and this can be facilitated in person or via Zoom. Just send out an email to your friends and social media contacts with the information below personalized, along with your email address and date of the proposed training series, which you can schedule as morning, afternoon or evening. You don’t need to teach as you will be using the videos of Mark Virkler teaching the 4 Keys.

Simply copy and paste the information below, or download this file with identical information

Can You Imagine Yourself Walking with Jesus Along the Sea of Galilee, Sharing Love, Discussing Life, and Receiving His Answers & Counsel?

  • Millions today are already experiencing this lifestyle! Everyone, of all ages, can easily and daily hear from Heaven by utilizing the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice.
  • Jesus promises: "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (Jn. 10:27).

A sample of dialogue with God from someone who received this training

LaWanda – Jesus, precious Lord.  I am undone in your presence.  I am undone thinking about your hand on me, Lord.  Precious Lord, Precious Savior.  I see me, Lord, running into your open arms.  Arms wide open, waiting to receive me.  The joy on your face as I come overwhelms me.

Jesus – O LaWanda, My precious one, My dear one, My beloved one.  You are the object of My desire.  I want you near me, near to My heart, LaWanda, for My heart will change you.  All that is not of Me will go.  It cannot stand in My love.

You see, when people get even a glimpse of My love, it undoes them.  That is how powerful My love is.  People have never been that loved before.  That is why it is transforming.  As My love permeates you, all that is not love - all that does not serve Me - must go.  It cannot stand in the presence of My penetrating all-consuming love.

This is how people are healed in a heartbeat, how addictions are broken in a moment.  It is an encounter with My love that does it.  It is the strongest force in the universe, the basis of it all, the foundation for it all.  It is My love that touches you, LaWanda, and what has been touched by Me is forever TRANSFORMED.

In Each 90-Minute Session We Will 

  • Watch an anointed training video on the four keys to hearing God’s voice
  • Be coached in a simple practice of the skill we were taught
  • Opportunity to share our experiences
  • Q&A time

·         Optional extra: The group practices listening to God for answers to prayer needs shared by group members. What God speaks is offered to the one who shared the prayer request. (Adding this means your meeting will run 2 hours rather than 90 minutes, which is fine, as folks who need to leave early can.)

When, Where, How (personalize the information below – Time, date and location)

  • Ten weekly 90-minute Zoom sessions, 7:00 PM beginning (date)
  • Send me your email so I can forward you the Zoom link. ( A free download to the Zoom App is here)
  • My email is: (fill in…), and my phone number is (fill in…).

Items to invest in to maximize this learning experience

Join today and experience revival - God’s voice builds faith, restores hope, and heals hearts.


Download: The text above is in this downloadable file which you can copy and paste into an email to send out to your friends.

Preparation for you as a group leader

You are very welcome to tell your group, “I am learning this right along with you, so don’t expect me to be the expert with all the answers.” However, if you prefer to prepare beforehand you can:

  1. Read either 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice (or) Dialogue with God and practice two-way journaling
  2. Here is an excellent free online YouTube video on How to Host a Zoom Meeting (This lady clearly explains the basic things you want to know to use Zoom easily)
  3. Download the free version of Zoom: The free version limits you to 40 minutes per session, so take a break near the 40-minute mark and instruct the group to log on again (after a 3-minute comfort break) for part 2 of the meeting.
    • If the teaching video finished around the time you need to break because of the 40-minute limit, tell them you are ending part 1 of Zoom and they are to journal for 5 minutes and then reconnect using the same Zoom link for part 2.
    • Alternative: If the leader of the group purchases the next level up of the Zoom software, then meetings can go on for hours with no interruption.
  4. Utilize the video training series by Mark Virkler as he teaches through the four keys to hearing God’s voice.
    • The 10 sessions can be purchased as 30-minute sessions. These fit best into a 90-minute training period... there is music for journaling at the end of each teaching session so the total is about 40-45 minutes, which you follow with participants reading what they got in their journaling, unless they desire to be skipped because it is too private. Close with Q&A and listening prayer for those who have prayer needs.
      • Alternative: The 60-minute teaching version may be used. This does NOT have journaling music at the close so you will stop the teaching video when it ends and start the “Sea of Galilee” audio 5-minute visualized walk followed by another 5 minutes of journaling.
    • You want everyone to be allowed to read what God spoke to them in their journaling time. If your group is over 12 people, use the Zoom automatic feature to break the group into groups of 2 people each for 5 minutes where they read their journaling to each other.
      •  NOTE: If your group is under 12, you don’t need to break up into Zoom groups of two. Stay as a large group and have folks read what God spoke to them.
    • Have a Q&A time – and if someone has an urgent prayer need, you could do a 5 minute “listening prayer time" where the group listens to God for what He would say to the person with the prayer need, and as they hear flowing thoughts (God’s voice), they speak them out for the others to hear. The person with the prayer requests listens and jots down the things they are hearing which resonates with their heart.
    • Anticipate 90 minutes total time for the meeting.
    • Afterglow: Encourage people to journal daily using the free Sea of Galilee visualized walk with Jesus as a guide which can be downloaded from the bottom of the home page of the CWG site:
  5. Watch Mark Virkler’s short training video on how to run a Zoom meeting. It covers how to create a Zoom link and send it out to friends, how to play a video on Zoom, and more.

If you are reading this blog in an email, watch this video on our website here.

Click on the image below to enlarge it so you can see things more clearly


  • When you want to start the video of Mark teaching: 1) click on the icon on the bottom (share screen), and the large "share" box appears; 2) put a checkmark in the box "Optimize for video clip" found along the bottom edge of the share box; 3) on the top of the share box, click on tab "advanced"; 4) Then double click on the "video" icon; 5) that takes you to your computer so you can scroll to the video file you want to show and then you double click on that video file which means you have just selected that file to play to the group and that video then appears in the share box; 6) Click on the start button in the bottom of the video screen and the video will begin playing for your group to watch; 7) When the video teaching is over, click on "stop share" and you are back to your normal Zoom screen where you can view all particapants.
  • When you want to find the Zoom link to email out to your social media contacts: 1) click on the little green circle in the top left corner of your screen and a box appears; 2) halfway down that box, the invitation link appears, and right under it you can click on the "copy link"; 3) Paste this link into the information you send to your friends, and state the date and time of the meeting.
  • If you want the chat box (which will appear along the right side of your screen), you click on the "Chat" icon on the bottom of your screen.

Incidental extras

  • Mark Virkler can be invited to join your Zoom group on Week 10 to answer questions and inspire the group to continue journaling and recommend Counseled by God as a follow-up training experience.
  • Please encourage group participants to make a donation to CWG Ministries here.
  • Mark is always available to assist you if you get stuck with questions you can’t answer (
  • Gain confidence by practicing all the Zoom steps above with a friend. A couple of practice sessions should make this smooth. If you can't make this work you can email Mark ( to see if he would have time to guide you as you do your practice session. The goal is that you feel comfortable with the steps you need to do to host a smooth meeting. You’ve got this!
  • As you complete the Hearing God series, recommend to your group that the group continue by starting a Zoom series on Counseled by God, which allows them to continue practicing journaling as God heals damaged emotions in our lives.

Prayer: "Lord, we call down 1 million angels to carry this blog to the furthest corners of the earth, so that it goes viral and thousands of Zoom groups are set up teaching millions how to hear Your voice! Thank You Lord!

Testimony: My husband and I just facilitated the 4 Keys class at our church last semester.  The growth and change in the students who came regularly and put it into practice was amazing.  They have thanked us over and over again.  This is about the 4th time we have taught it to others.  We tell people the 4 keys all the time as well.  It's too good and life changing NOT to share! :)  When I look back at the most impactful things in my life, taking this course and journaling with God is at the top of the list! Anne Teagarden

  1. Join Our Team And Mission – Spread Revival by Saturating the World with Communion with God
  2. Help Build God's Kingdom by Re-posting CWG Blogs and Linking to CWG's Website
  3. An EASY Way for You to Spread Revival: Have Mark Virkler Teach Your Zoom Group!
  4. Enjoy listening to short podcasts? It’s a great way to learn! (share this blog so you friends can discover 70+ podcasts)
  5. FREE - Sea of Galilee Guided Devotional is the # 1 Tool For Hearing God's Voice

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media! 


Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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