Each one of our stories is unique and powerful as we share how we learned to interpret dreams. Enjoy this testimony by Emily Ladley!
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Dream Interpretation Resources
- Individual book, audio or video
- Electronic training module with quizzes, interactive online forum, and Certificate of Completion
- College course leading toward a degree
How to Interpret Dreams - Interview Overview
· Tell me about your journey of Dream Interpretation
o Childhood exposure
o Multitudes of books, dictionaries
· How do you interpret your dreams now?
o God brought video course Charity teaches, revolutional
o 3 dreams, used to take 2 hours to decode
o New way; faster, fun, accurate, what He wants to address
· How do you know it is accurate?
o Holy Spirit confirms with ‘Aha~moment’
o Used to interpret by trying to fit the dreams to the dictionaries
o Instead of logic, head knowledge, data-base
o Intuitive revelation by the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit clicks and meaning resonates
o No longer my clever ability to interpret
o It is all about trusting the relationship, enjoy playing Hide & Seek
· Can you share an example of your dream and how you interpreted it?
o Dream
o Importance of knowing the setting
o Information; action, emotion
o Parenting, dynamics changing, relationship in danger
o Animals – feelings - bear, wolf
o Color – brown, white
o Person – dominant personality traits – John/Unity
o God’s perspective, feel His heart – breathe slowly, closed eyes
· Did you hear God’s voice after you had the dream? Can you share it?
o Journal
· What are the benefits of knowing how to interpret the dreams?
o Action plan
o Behavior change, stronger faith – felt restful breathing, trust – relationship blessed
o Intel to whoever seeks the hidden things
o Intimacy with God – each dream brings us closer to His heart – commune day and night
Related Resources:
Dream Your Way to WisdomRelated Blogs:
Christian Dream Interpretation
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