To Dream the Impossible Dream

Mark Virkler's picture

God reminded me of the song, To Dream the Impossible Dream (listen to it here). I had an impossible dream 45 years ago. The dream was planted in my heart by God. It was that I could take walks with God in the cool of the day and we could dialogue about the issues of life.

I was told very clearly that this dream was impossible for many reasons.

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    God no longer spoke directly to us, now that we had the Bible.
  2. Even if He did speak yet today, everyone hears God differently.
  3. There is no simple set of rules that could be followed that would allow people to hear God's voice.
  4. Those who claim to hear God's voice are easily deceived and would need intense policing so they did not run amuck.
  5. To be spiritual enough to hear God's voice, one would need to engage in a monastic lifestyle and so they would be of little use to the world as they would have retreated to the desert.
  6. Just live out of the Bible and be safe.
  7. If you do hear God's voice, consider it a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Forty-five years later I have proven every one of those statements is not true. This dream that we could take daily walks with Jesus in the cool of the day and we could commune and share our hearts with Him and He would share His heart with us is a true reality. The cherry on top was that we can teach others how to easily and daily commune with God too. Now hundreds of thousands of people, including me, my children, and my grandchildren can easily hear God's voice daily and we teach others how to as well. Thousands declare this works.

Climb Every Mountain

God also reminded me of the song, Climb Every Mountain (listen to it here). He began reminding me of the many mountains I climbed and streams I forged, and rainbows I followed until the impossible dream was realized.

  1. I asked all who should have known how to hear God’s voice and did not receive an answer that helped me.
  2. With fear and courage, I traveled outside my denominational borders to discover what others who pursued spiritual intimacy had discovered. I hoped they might provide some insights I had missed. They did!
  3. One author showed me the power of receiving visions of reality from God's perspective (Jn. 5:19,20). These pictures transformed me as I gazed upon them (2 Cor. 3:17,18; 4:17,18).
  4. Another author showed me the intellectual certainty that spiritual encounter was real and available and has been experienced down through all of Church history.
  5. Another person testified of the healing they experienced through direct encounters with God.
  6. Another pointed out the value of writing out the revelation as it is flowing (Hab. 2:1,2).
  7. Six months into an all-out intense search for answers God awakened me with a booming base voice and said, “Get up. I am going to teach you to hear My voice (Jer. 29:13). I obeyed. That morning God disclosed the truth to me (Jn. 14:21) by leading me to Habakkuk 2:1,2 and showing me four simple keys Habakkuk used when encountering God. Those four keys of stillness, vision, flow, and journaling are the same ones John used in Revelation 1:9-11. Hearing God's voice is as simple as quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, tuning to flow and journaling.

The book Dialogue With God is my story of how following the dream God put in my heart and climbing every mountain that stood before me, eventually brought me victory, as God revealed His secrets and the impossible became possible. It happened to me. It can happen to you. Jesus guarantees that "My sheep hear My voice" (Jn. 10:27), and it is the Spirit who leads you into all truth (Jn. 16:13).

Embrace God’s dream in your heart and then climb every mountain you encounter.

Journaling Questions:

Lord, what is the dream(s) You have placed in my heart?

Lord, what mountain am I to climb NOW, and HOW am I to successfully scale it?


Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   Spiritual Transformations   
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