Do you have political indigestion?

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Here are the steps I take to overcome political indigestion. I do feel I have a responsibility to know enough to pray intelligently, make wise voting decisions, and share truth with others.

Problems to resolve

  1. Time: I only have so much time, and want to limit the time spent on politics.
  2. Anger: I get angry seeing the evil and ignorance of so many people.
  3. Destiny: I need to get on with my life, my call, my destiny, and my dreams.


  1. My destiny: Determine what are the dreams and destinies God has for your life. What are you gifted to do, called to do, love doing, and are fruitful when you do it? This dream from God is bigger than you are and gives you a reason to wake up in the morning energized to take on the day.
  2. My involvement: Determine how much political involvement God wants you to have, with who, and for what purpose. Are you to be elected to office, be a Christian journalist, speak and/or write persuasively to influence others to Christian ideals? Ask, "Lord, how do You want me to influence people and government so that it promotes Christian values, rather than hindering them?"
  3. What sources do I trust to present to me true Christian perspectives in the simplest, clearest fashion? I want to hear from these people. I want to avoid those who speak evil and have a heart to destroy and divide.

My foundational choices

My destiny is to restore the eyes and ears of the Church to the Lord Jesus Christ, so they can hear and see Him daily. I also sense a call to inspire each person to hear from God as to what their destiny is and then to pursue it, drawing upon the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This has caused me to write over 100 blogs on national issues in the last year.

My number 1 choice for solid input is Coffee and Covid by Jeff Childers - a Christian lawyer, offering a short morning blog reviewing yesterday's events along with recommended courses of action. His writing is down-to-earth, easy to read and grasp, humorous, and uplifting.

This short video clip shows a host of TV newscasters all speaking the identical script. I consider this to be an example of evidence that traditional news is scripted by the government. I do not choose government propaganda so I avoid these folks completely. Instead I seek out true journalists who do their own original research, and have a bias for truth, life, love, and liberty.

Such independently thinking journalists that I enjoy with discernment and as time allows include Flashpoint, Tucker Carlson, and others whom you can easily discover by asking conservative friends who they listen to. 

God's rule in our hearts: God surely believes in limited government, as He didn’t even want Israel to have a king (1 Sam. 8:1-22). God's passion was that we live out of His voice. Since the prophets had become evil, and kings were not good, the New Testament solution is to experience the voice and rule of God in the hearts of men, through the in-dwelling Holy Spirit (Jn. 16:13). Because the Holy Spirit is now given to all followers of Christ, we can all prophecy (1 Cor. 14:31). I can't envision anything else working. This is the reason I believe restoring God's voice to the hearts of all believers is the BEST solution we have for our world today, and I am thrilled to be participating, along with you, in restoring His voice to His Church.


It is crucial I receive my information from trusted resources, am led by the Spirit, maintain faith, hope, and love, and spread these gifts around to all whom I touch. What is life without them? Some newscasters are committed to destroying faith, hope, and love, and they do so on a daily basis. I do NOT listen to them as I do not want my spirit contaminated by such negativity.

Journaling application

  • Lord, what is my call and destiny? What am I to be envisioning, pursuing, and giving my life for?
  • What am I to be avoiding as it will distract me from the call and destiny You have for my life?
  • What am I to be enlarging as it will propel me forward into fulfilling the destiny You have for me?

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Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   How to Master Your Bible!   
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