As Malachi Talabi is working through one of our School of the Spirit modules, he was prompted to ask the Lord the following question:"Lord, what is going on with my family health wise? Do you have anything to say?"

I am a healer. The enemy will try to make you think that I am passive, but I am present. I see and hear and feel your distress for I am touched with the feeling of your infirmity. There are many examples of people or situations where saved people had sickness. James wrote, '"Is anyone sick among you?" and Timothy needed wine for his stomach's sake.
"You shall lay hands and they shall recover." There is a genuine gift of miracles but recovery is just as miraculous! Your children shall recover, and that is the vocabulary I want you to use - recovery. It’s your job to pray and it's My job to help them recover.
Lord, why do they get sick in the first place? Why do they “have eczema?” You died for this stuff. The Word says, “No plague shall come near my dwelling." This is something I don’t understand.
Just because I’ve given you an inheritance doesn’t mean that you don’t have to stand. The enemy will try and wrestle you in these areas!
It seems that God was differentiating "healing" and "miracles" and making "recovery" the thing to focus on. I went to meditate on this Scripture, Mark 16:17-18 New King James Version (NKJV)
These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
I journaled this:
You are asking me to do what I instructed you to do, which is to walk in authority. I’ve seated you above these things. YOU shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I stopped laying hands on people after my resurrection! After my resurrection, you don’t see me lay hands on anybody. That is for you to do; it’s for you to walk in. How are you ever going to walk in your authority if I don’t give you opportunities to exercise your authority? People pray that I would touch their child but it’s for them to touch their child, for I said, "YOU shall lay hands..." There are sooooo many things you are asking me to do that I instructed you to do. YOU are to deal with the devil and YOU deal with this sickness. It’s time to walk in your authority.
Reflection: Just thinking about how to approach this issue in light of what I’ve journaled and the reality of eczema (which they are recovering from). I’ve started laying hands, declaring, commanding and praying. and I tell them they are recovering.
Follow up note: it is phenomenal the rate at which my children's skin and hands are recovering! This has truly increased my faith.
Related Resources:
How to Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit! How to Enjoy Vibrant Health! How to Hear God's Voice!
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