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The Deception - Power Without Intimacy

Mark Virkler's picture

Question: Lord, how one can prophesy and cast out demons in Jesus' name and NOT have an intimate relationship with Jesus?

"Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew (Greek: ginosko – was intimate with) you; DEPART FROM ME’” (Matt. 7:21-23).

Ideas shared back to me from my spiritual advisors included the following:

  • I have seen many people who were in communion with demons do counterfeit signs and wonders. Especially in Hollywood and places of political power.
  • We know that the magicians did wonders in Egypt (Exodus 7:11). 
  • There was a "lying spirit” in the mouths of Ahab's ‘prophets' (1 Kings 22).
  • Balaam prophesied falsely (Numbers 22; 2 Peter 2:15).
  • Simon the Sorcerer had powers, but not from God (Acts 8:9-25).
  • Tibetan monks can cast out demons.
  • False prophets were prophesying falsely in God's name (Jer. 14:14).
  • We are aware of satan’s deceiving tactics:
    • Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14 NASBS).
    • Since the devil is a liar (John 8:44), I believe these were lying about casting out demons. Jesus said, “If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?” (Matthew 12:26 NASBS)
  • People can use Jesus’ name rotely without acknowledging Jesus as Christ. 
  • In light of Matthew 7, many are asking the question "Didn't we do this?" but I notice that Jesus doesn't reply with "Yes you did, but..." Instead, He goes directly to "I never knew you". So, a question I raise from this is, did these people who prophesied and cast out demons and performed miracles, do it all using the Name of Jesus but in the spirit of counterfeit for selfish gain or wrong reasons? Do they think that doing these things constitutes intimacy with God? Possibly. That's the long way of saying, that I don't personally believe that we can truly prophesy outside of intimacy with God, because outside of that intimacy we aren't living with ears of the heart and eyes of the heart inclined to God. Same for birthing a miracle - it takes the senses of the spirit to call it forth, which requires intimacy. 
  • God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
  • The “gifts and calling of God are without repentance”, meaning that God's gifts and callings are irrevocable. Therefore once you have received the gift, you could misuse it. Instead of using a hammer for nails, you use it to hurt someone.

I journaled asking if it was OK for me to claim Bible promises.

“Mark, when you select an applicable verse and seek to properly apply it and fit it into your life for maximum benefit, it is much different than Me selecting the verse for you and showing you how to apply it. If I am NOT with you always, then, yes, you would need to do this on your own. However, I have said: ‘Behold, I AM with you always.’”

“This means you can come to Me at all times, receive living words, and do living works at all times rather than dead works. The ability to do a miracle in My name, outside of intimacy with Me, does not impress Me, nor does it make you saved or My child or on the way to heaven” (Matthew 7:21-23).

“Learning how to release spiritual power is one thing, and anyone can learn that, Christian or non-Christian. However, what I am seeking is fellowship, intimacy, communion, living works, and you birthing things from My divine initiative, not from man’s initiative.

“I created mankind so I could have fellowship with them. That is still My passion and My desire. Do not do anything on your own and, yes, that even includes claiming My promises.

Would you claim a promise Patti made to you and demand it of her, or would you enter into an intimate caring discussion with her …”

“Patti is not a statue that you would ignore. She is a person whom you would love and be intimate with. You do not USE the promises which she has made to you. You enjoy discussing everything with her. You enjoy the fellowship. You enjoy the love. You enjoy the intimacy, and her provisions to you flow from that.”

“The reason I told those who had the power to do miracles and cast out demons in My name that they were bound for hell is because they did not ginosko me. They were not in fellowship with me. They had learned rules for releasing power. Therefore, I said to them, ‘Depart from Me; I never was intimate (ginosko) with you’” (Matthew 7:23). 

Journaling application

Lord, what would You speak to me concerning the deception of power without intimacy with You?

Free Video Event: February 11-19
Overflow of the Spirit
Register now: https://go.cluschoolofthespirit.com/overflowevent

CLU Course of the Month:
PRO101 Secrets of the Spirit
Request 40% tuition discount until February 28th when ordering here: https://www.cluonline.com/christian-online-college-courses/#MIN510

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Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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