Read LUKE 1:46-55 (NEW KING JAMES)
“Come, child, sit and read with Me, and hear. Let Me put some background instrumental Christmas music softly in the background, as we meditate on Mary’s song.”
“Here is the song of Mary that you are reading and meditating on today. Remember, Mary had heard the voice of the angel and by faith went and saw her cousin Elizabeth. The presence of the Holy Spirit was there in that room as Mary gave her song and prophecy. In this song, Mary says that she will be known as highly blessed and favoured. Mary sees herself not the way others might see her; she sees her as God sees her. Think about this- here was this young woman, pregnant with the Son of God; and her expression; what is recorded as her sharing from her own heart, is her faith and belief in the prophetic word to come. She doesn’t just see the little picture of how it will change her life; but how it will change the entire lives of those around her. She had a supernatural faith that was inside of her.”
“Remember, it is not until later that Mary returns home. She is staying in a house that is not in her own town; and then she returns to her hometown. She does not express fear in her song that no one would believe her or that Joseph would believe her- she expresses faith in her heart of what is to come.”
“As you meditate on the words of this story again and again, you will see and have revelation of the wisdom of God. There is always an unending stream of new revelation of the goodness of the Father, and the Scripture always can bring fresh revelation.”
“Mary knew Me; in relationship. As you meditate on her words and her life; you will let the words of Mary’s song go deep into your heart; and you will know who I am too.”
“I fill the hungry with good things. I will be there for you; to both feed you and keep you from hunger, both physically and spiritually. It is My desire to give you the fullness of the dreams of your heart.”
“I will do mighty and great things for you. Mary rejoiced in knowing Me, without knowing the entirety of her answers about her future and destiny. I want you to be in that position of love and trust with Me, where you worship Me; even when you have so many questions; and when you share your heart with Me. Share your heart with Me; I want you to encounter the Holy Spirit and speak the truth over yourself. I want you to sing and worship and enjoy life.”
“Remain with Me, and I will remain with you always.”
Journal Entry: Father, what do You wish to share with me about the heart of Mary?
Christmas Mountain: A Biblical Meditation on The Nativity Story by Jason Major contains 25 heart warming devotionals concerning the Christmas season.
This will provide you daily readings for the 25 days leading up to Christmas.
During this Christmas season, let the story of the Nativity bring a change that you carry all year long.
Christmas Mountain Kindle ebook available here.
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Christmas Devotionals
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