I have developed the class to specifically serve a particular group of people (right now Catholics), but we are open to ALL children who want support in learning how to hear God's voice!
Do you desire to teach your children how to have heart-to-heart conversations with God, but you have no clue how to do it because you struggle with effective prayer yourself? Do you bring your children to the Sacraments and teach them the rubrics of the Catholic faith but worry that they still don’t have an intimate relationship with the King of Kings?
If so, this class is designed to ease your Catholic parenting anxiety!
In this one-hour online class, children ages 8-12 years old can learn to hear God’s voice in four easy steps.
On Thursday, September 30 at 7 pm participants will gather via Zoom for the following:
- a brief praise and worship session,
- a twenty-minute overview with personal testimony from teens about how hearing God’s voice changed their lives,
- time for questions and answers
- an opportunity to practice the four keys themselves
- and a chance to share with others and family members!
The cost of the virtual class is just $30 per family and is designed to bring your children the spiritual breakthrough you long for them to have!
Jesus said in the Gospel of John, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
Give your children the gift of hearing from Jesus. RSVP today. We look forward to seeing your precious kiddos! To register, go here https://www.harvest.consulting/hearinggodsvoice
Colleen Duggan
Author of Good Enough Is Good Enough: Confessions Of An Imperfect Catholic Mom
Related Resources:
How to Hear God's Voice!Related Blogs:
How to Hear God’s Voice