The journaling which follows is from a student taking the course "Prayers That Heal the Heart" through Christian Leadership University.
(You can get the main ebook from this class here. The next testimony like this could be yours, or a friend you share it with.)
Lord, I come now asking You to reveal any generational sins by which I am affected; any that have not already been taken to the cross and broken. What would You show me, Lord? What will You speak to Me?
Lord, I see that I am standing in a courtroom, before You seated at the bench. But I am not standing alone. I am surrounded by a large group of people. Some I recognize as deceased family members, but most I do not. Are these my ancestors who are standing with me?
I don’t understand, Lord. I have always understood that I would stand before You alone, to face judgment over my life. And that I would stand before You covered by Your blood and clothed with a robe of righteousness if I place my faith in You. Why are we standing here as a group? I don’t feel any condemnation as I look into Your eyes. As always, I know that You are here to help me. You are my High Priest and Intercessor. You died to redeem me.
“This time is not about judging your life or eternity. It is about judging sin in your life and breaking the power of it. You have done well in repenting of your own sins. Now I will bring to the light of judgment some ancestral sins that have affected you of which you were unaware, so their power will be broken in your life.
“You have struggled most with sins of pride and sexual lust. You have repented in every way I have asked, and you have confessed these sins openly. The power they hold on your heart now is much less than in years past. But complete freedom will be realized when the generational aspect of these is exposed and rejected by you.
“Look to your right. See the gentleman there with the long beard? He was sexually abusive, and this was an open door for demons of sexual perversion to enter the family. He was not the first, but the closest to you. Because Satan has not had many avenues into your heart, he has exploited this one. You aided this in years past by looking at pornographic material. You have repented of your acts, and I have forgiven you. Now renounce the sin from your ancestors. This is where your pride comes in. Even now you are struggling with the idea that you can be affected by sins of your ancestors. It doesn’t seem “fair” to you. Repent of this prideful attitude. Your life is not lived in a vacuum. Your do not stand alone. If you truly want to be free, take these sins to the cross and let the curse die there. Be humble and admit that you need this freedom from sins you inherited from your fathers.”
Lord, of course You are right. Your Word is true and sharp, and divides asunder to the cleaving of my soul and spirit. Your Spirit illuminates the motive and intentions of my heart so I might know them and submit them more fully to Your perfect ways. I obey Your Word.
I place the cross between my ancestors and me, especially the forefather You have pointed out. I claim the power of the cross to break every generational sin and demonic influence in my life. I rebuke demons of sexual perversion and pride. I confess my total dependence on You, My Rock and My Salvation. Let the curse die in Your wounds, Lord. I thank You for showing me how much my life is integrated with others. Just as I have been negatively affected by some, I have been the recipient of blessings from many. I also thank You for helping me to realize more how I stand in a gap between generations for my own family, and I pray that no curses and no familial demons will pass through me to my descendants. I thank You, Lord, for the power of the cross. Help me to get to the place where I can truthfully claim that I boast or glory in nothing except my weaknesses and Your cross.
Additional Resources
COU301 Prayers That Heal the Heart 4 credits This course teaches a series of seven specific prayers that will break bondages within your heart caused by spiritual forces. These prayers include breaking generational sins and curses; severing ungodly soul ties; removing negative beliefs and inner vows; healing traumatic scenes; and casting out demonic energy that has connected itself to these inner wounds of the heart and soul. The entire healing process is sealed by doing an intensive meditation on biblical passages that bear on the issues being healed so God can grant you illumined insights from His Word.
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