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Books drawing you into two-way journaling by Dr. Patty Sadallah, a CLU Professor

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The Experience Jesus Book Series by Dr. Patty Sadallah

Imagine that God has His own TV channel. But unlike everything on your TV, God’s channel is supernatural. Watching television is a one-directional experience. You can see and emotionally connect with the programming as a distant observer. But the God channel is a two-way experience. You jump through the television and become part of God’s action. This may seem like a strange idea to you, but essentially, this is the experience you will have with this book series. You will learn how to access God through the eyes and ears of your heart to engage with the various aspects of God directly.   

Using the tool of dialogue journaling, you will encounter 20 Names of God as you learn how to tune to the indwelling Holy Spirit and cooperate with His best for you. 

As you get to know God, you will also meet your ideal self; your Christ-Identity. Facilitated by guided adventures and multi-media enhancements, you will learn that God is right here waiting to draw you close and enrich your life! The four-book series personally introduces you to five Names of God in each book. Learn about the LOVE, HEALING, DIRECTION & POWER of God by encountering Him by His Names directly so you can live out of your most loved, healed, fruitful and empowered life.   

Book 1: How to Encounter the LOVE of God

When you meet the Heavenly Father, you are introduced to the power of child-like faith and its mysterious ability to help you connect with God purely and without the barriers to faith that adulthood brings.

When you meet the Savior, you learn in a most personal way, why the Lord chose to come as a human and died for YOU. You will better understand the price paid for your salvation and why you were worth the cost to God. You will also better understand the great exchange and the benefits that are yours now and forever as your inheritance.

When you meet Immanuel, you will encounter the God who always was, is, and always will be with you. He will show you that in an instant, you can see and feel His Covering and connect with His Mind, Will, and Emotion to handle any circumstance your days can bring.

When you meet the Bridegroom, you will understand the intimacy and value of God’s genuine trust and partnership in your life. You will learn the benefits of being united to the All-powerful, All-knowing, All-benevolent, and Ever-Present God.

When you meet the Friend, you will encounter the joy of God as you have playful adventures with the One you trust with your heart, secrets, and life. You will learn about the powerful favor anointing that comes with the likeability factor of friendship and the role that praise and worship have in it.

Book 2: How to Encounter the HEALING of God

When you meet the Great Physician, He will show you the pathway to vibrant and abundant life. You will learn how to tune to Him for clarity on all conditions that need to be met for physical healing and the relationship to spiritual, emotional, and mental health.

When you meet the Comforter, you will find the way to emotional healing and the peace that surpasses understanding by addressing past heart wounds and allowing Him to help you find forgiveness and give you a new heart.

When you meet the Mighty Counselor, you will learn how to spot the lies that keep you in bondage and trust God for the Truth that will set you free. Wisdom and understanding is found when you learn how to see your circumstances through God’s eyes, ears, mind and heart leading to mental health healing.

When you meet the Deliverer, He will show you the way to find freedom from bondages by standing on His authority and exercising the authority you have by His power to live according to His promises which will soundly address your spiritual healing needs.

When you meet the Miracle Worker He will show you key principles for determining His will and accessing His power to pull miracles down from heaven according to His promises for all of your healing needs

Book 3: How to Encounter the DIRECTION of God

When you meet the Truth, He will guide you to clarity, wisdom, and understanding by interpreting Scripture promises as they relate to your personal calling.

When you meet the Shepherd, you will see His gentle care, guidance, and protection as you learn to surrender your will and ways to His more perfect plan for you.

When you meet the Author of your Story, He will show you how to stay aligned to the ideal life plan that He has for you one day at a time.

When you meet the Way Maker, He will show you how He is working on your behalf often behind the scenes and without your awareness to equip you to accomplish your Kingdom purposes.

When you meet the Supernatural Provider, He will show to look beyond natural limitations for accomplishing your work for God. You will encounter His limitlessness and exercise your authority to receive supernatural provisions for your Kingdom purposes.

Book 4: How to Encounter the POWER of God

When you meet the Holy Spirit, you will learn how to tap into the internal power of the Holy Spirit to live your most effective life without fears or limitations.

When you meet the Creator, You will encounter the complexity and wonder of God and learn about the power of His spoken Word to create. Likewise, how you are made in His image to create as well.

When you meet Almighty God, you will encounter the Sovereign King of kings and get a greater sense of His Omni-Truths up close and personally. Limiting notions of God will be cast away.

When you meet the God of Justice, God will show up as the one who fights on your behalf either on the spiritual warfare battlefield or in the Courts of Heaven. You will learn how and why you can access the defense of God in your everyday life.

When you meet the Lord of Hosts, He will show you the angelic realm as it’s leader and teach you how to cooperate with the ministries of the angels assigned to protect and aid you throughout your life.


Check out all of Dr. Patty’s books at and check out the Experience Jesus with Dr. Patty Sadallah podcast at

Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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