BLOCKED from LIVING the Bible? Here Is the MISSING LINK You've Been Searching For!

Mark Virkler's picture

This missing link is not some newly discovered ape-man. Instead, it’s a disconnect. Do you feel there is a huge disconnect between the Bible-quoting traditionalists whose solid grounding in the Scripture looks as if their feet are trapped in cement, preventing them from soaring in the Spirit, and those who naturally feel and experience every spiritual manifestation but couldn't explain how to do it if their life depended on it?

Is it possible to CLEARLY DEFINE spiritual experiences so ALL believers can enjoy them?

Are you a thinker or a feeler? Almost everyone is either left-brain and into theology or right-brain and into spiritual experiences. (To discover if you are left or right brain, complete this free Downloadable Brain Preference Indicator Test. And yes, I know some of you are perfectly balanced, so you don’t need to write me to let me know I missed this insight.)

Much of the time people are offered either solid theological doctrines OR exciting spiritual experiences which nobody can define, explain or reproduce. Those who are really good at moving in the spirit realm aren’t usually gifted teachers as they are generally right-brain. And very few left-brain people have the patience for instructions like, “Lie on the carpet to receive from God.” They’ll start out jealous for it, and because they don’t experience it, they’ll just end up judging the whole thing. Because of the right-brain prophet’s inability to accurately define, biblically support and defend, and clearly articulate the supernatural experience, half the Church misses out on spiritual experiences.

Can a thinker press into spiritual experiences and then define them clearly? What if a left-brain person were passionate enough to pursue spiritual experiences, then simply and biblically define them, and explain HOW to experience them so all could easily have ongoing spiritual encounter (Gal. 5:25)? Living by the Spirit can’t be difficult. It has to be easy enough for a child to do (Lk. 18:16). We just need someone to show us how easy the manifestation of the Spirit really is (1 Cor. 12:7-11).

For example: Experiencing being “slain in the Spirit” – In this blog we define how right-brainers posture themselves internally when they are slain in the Spirit. It is sure different than the left-brain attitude I used to take. Now, I choose a right-brain posture (tuning to pictures, flow and emotions) and I too experience being slain in the Spirit.

Another example: Defining “soaking” - In this blog we clearly define the experience of soaking in God’s presence. Stated briefly, we stay in the presence of the Holy Spirit as we soak and we receive from the Lord. We relax, tune to flowing thoughts (God’s voice), flowing pictures (God’s visions) and flowing emotions (God’s emotions). We journal these all out so we can review them and pursue them when our soaking time is over. This makes soaking a revelation-based, transformational, spiritual encounter.

Lies we must REJECT in order to have the freedom to define spiritual realities!

Lie # 1: God just does what He wants when He wants so don’t try to figure it out. There are no spiritual laws which govern the spiritual world.” 

Countering truth # 1 – There ARE laws which govern the spiritual world.

Just as there are physical laws which govern the physical world, God has established spiritual laws which govern the spiritual world. By defining and understanding the laws of gravity and aerodynamics, planes can take off, soar in the sky, and land without incident. That is why I am willing to fly.

Soaring Spiritually: Here are four heart postures which, when used together, allow us to soar in the Spirit. If we can define the anointing and how to experience it, we can live in it as Jesus did. So, what is anointing? It is very simply the flow of the Spirit out through us. And here are the four childlike heart postures we need to adopt to experience it.

"’If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink…He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.' But this He spoke of the Spirit” (Jn. 7:37-39).

1. Thirsty – “Lord, I’m THIRSTY to be anointed.” (Gal. 2:20 – “Spirit, live out through me.”)
2. Come to Me – “Jesus, I SEE you at my right hand.” (Acts 2:25 – I look and see this picture)
3. Drink – I tune to FLOWING thoughts, pictures, emotions. (Acts 2:17 – Prophecy, visions)
4. Believes – I BELIEVE the flow within is Your River. (Heb. 11:6 – Faith is mandatory)

Jesus then provides a guarantee about the anointing! “From his innermost being WILL FLOW.” Wow! Four spiritual laws which run us smack dab into the anointing, every time! I LOVE it!!! By honoring these laws we can live in the anointing all the time, which is exactly what we agree to do. Why not? They sure are not hard. A child can do them easily.

Lie # 2: Therefore: “If you try to teach principles to activate spiritual realities, you are dishonoring the sovereignty of the Spirit, bringing people back into bondage and self-effort, and worse, opening people up to spiritual deception.”

Countering truth # 2 – I CAN be safe while in the Spirit world!

Jesus guarantees that when we ask for the Spirit, we get the Spirit and not a serpent (Lk. 11:11-13). So if I ask in faith, with my eyes fixed on Jesus, I receive from the Holy Spirit. I make sure I am seeing Jesus at my right hand (Ps. 16:8), and I tune to flow and receive a pure, undefiled stream from the Holy Spirit.

I confirm this by ensuring it lines up with Scripture, and my spiritual advisors affirm that “their hearts bear witness it is true.” In abundance of counselors there is victory (Prov. 11:14). I’m going to let God show me who these two or three advisors are (2 Cor. 13:1), who are alongside me or ahead of me in the area I am pursuing. (When it comes to two-way journaling, we provide advisors here.)

You can discover more of satan’s lies here and God’s truths which counter them. As far as satan is concerned, any lie will do, as long as he ensures that I believe “I cannot live the Bible.”

Precise definitions of spiritual experiences free us to live the Bible!

At this point in my life, I have discarded the lie of dispensationalism which said I cannot have the same spiritual experiences that people in the Bible had. I now press in to experience them ALL!

How to hear His voice - How to walk with God in the Garden in the cool of the day and hear His voice by using 4 simple keys. Over 1 million people have learned to hear His voice using these simple keys.

  • A 7 step healing model - Brings healing to your body, and it works!
  • Experience deliverance - Demons are easily cast out using this 7 step deliverance process. Jesus used deliverance. It gets quick results! I prefer quick.
  • Dream interpretation - We can interpret dreams easily by using the principles of Christian dream interpretation. This allows us to receive FREE, nightly counsel from the Wonderful Counselor! How priceless is this!
  • Encountering Angels - Angels are all around us. They can be experienced daily if we will become childlike, look, see and believe.

Normative or sporadic? The above spiritual encounters are to be normative in the Christian’s life. We choose to start new believers off with the Spirit! That’s what Peter did in Acts 2:38! We give copies of Your Extraordinary Life to new believers and recommend churches offer a new members’ class which walks them through it.

Let us “be the bridge” by providing precise definitions of spiritual encounter so you can live the Bible!

You are uniquely gifted by God to fulfill the destiny He has for you. I trust you know what your gifts and destiny are. If not, this blog will help you discover your gifts and call.

My wife, my daughter and I (Patti, Charity and Mark) are left-brain prophetic teachers, called by God to train Christians how they can easily live and walk by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:25). Our books and teachings start with an exhaustive examination of the Hebrew and Greek words related to the topic. We pull together every occurrence in the Old and New Testament, and analyze/synthesize them into a practical, comprehensive, and thoroughly biblically-grounded teaching on the topic, while still providing an interesting and fun experience for the reader/viewer! Once truth is lived out in our lives, we share it with you, explaining the steps you can take to join us.

Can we all agree on this, the Bible is meant to be lived!

Speak life over yourself…
“I Can Live the Bible!”

Links to this entire series (being published 9-10-18 through 9-20-18)

Introduction - We Are the Bridge

Part 1 - I Would Love to Bring the Experience of a Spirit-filled Conference Home with Me! Can I?

Part 2 - BLOCKED from LIVING the Bible? Here Is the “MISSING LINK” You've Been Searching For!

Part 3 - Passionate Pursuit - 10 Kingdom Passions Which Empower You to LIVE as Jesus Did!

Part 4 - The Foundation of a Christian's Life - Not What You Thought


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Anonymous's picture

Can you repost #3 and #4 in your series on Blocked from Living the Bible as I can't get them to open.
Just read the first two posts in Charisma and desire very much to learn how to get the conference delight and growth into my daily living.

Karen Reinstrom

Mark Virkler's picture

The links are now active and provided on the blog above to parts 3 and 4 of this series. Glad you are enjoying it.

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