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Are You One of the Majority of People Who Worry about Financial Issues?

Mark Virkler's picture

In this Canadian survey, sixty-eight percent say they “worry a lot about their financial situation” and in this U.S survey, it is sixty-four percent.

So how do I overcome fears and worries about my finances? I wish financial freedom was automatic but it isn’t. The Israelites had to fight to receive the Promised Land that God said was theirs (Deut. 6:3). In this case, our Promised Land is “the power to make wealth” (Deut. 8:18). We too need to fight to see this Kingdom reality manifest in our lives.

Jesus went from riches to rags so that we could go from rags to riches (2 Corinthians 8:9 – read entire chapter). Financial blessing is one of the twelve great exchanges which took place on the cross. We are going to explore seven prayers which open the door to financial freedom.

I experience Kingdom blessings when I: 1) believe God’s promises are for me, 2) align with them, 3) receive and act on God’s wisdom concerning steps to take, and 4) passionately pursue them (Jer. 29:13; Prov. 8:17; Matt. 7:7).

Remember Daniel who prayed 21 days and received his breakthrough (Dan. 10:2-5)? Elijah prayed seven times for the drought to end and received his answer (1 Kgs. 18:42-43). Since we are encouraged to pray as Elijah did (Jas. 5:16, 17) I have no problem praying repeatedly for the same thing, and acting in obedience to what God is telling me.

The following seven prayers are explored over three consecutive blogs

  1. Repentance – changing my attitude about money 
  2. Breaking off financial curses
  3. Forgiven, cleansed, renewed
  4. Erasing negative cellular memories concerning money
  5. Healing negative pictures of past financial mishaps
  6. Receiving revelation concerning my giftedness and call to creatively serve mankind
  7. Celebrating financial freedom with thankfulness

Financial freedom can be defined as having enough to meet my needs plus extra to share with others.

Part 1 – Achieving Financial Freedom by Breaking the Yoke that Binds

Speak these prayers aloud, with conviction, as you tune to vision, flow, emotion, passion and compassion. 

If you feel shaking, it is the Spirit ministering powerfully. Pause, and let Him do His work. Perhaps pray that line of the prayer a second time to allow even further work to be done within you.

Let your hands and body be involved. Prophetic gestures release spiritual power (2 Kgs. 13:18-19 NKJV). Honor and follow any leading you have to engage in prophetic gestures.

Quiet yourself in the Lord's presence, perhaps by praying in the Spirit for a few moments. Pray the following prayer aloud, slowly, incorporating pictures, vision, flow and emotion to make it a heart prayer and not simply a head prayer. If you need to repeat phrases twice in order to fully see and feel them, do that. 

Lord Jesus, I welcome Your compassion and Your grace to flow down upon me right now as I quiet myself in Your presence. Holy Spirit, lead me as I pray. Thank You.

Repentance – Changing My Attitude about Money 

Lord, I repent for my sins and the sins of my ancestors for harboring ungodly beliefs about money. I repent for believing it is wrong to have wealth when others are in poverty. The truth is that You have provided more than enough resources for everyone. Your watchful care, personal guidance, angelic intervention, and creativity within each heart release Your financial provision into our lives. You do this for me. You do this for others.

I repent for believing that money is evil and thus to be avoided. In reality, money simply magnifies what is in a person’s heart. You said, “Blessed are the pure in heart.” Thank You that Your Spirit has purified my heart allowing me to see You and receive from You (Matt. 5:8).

I repent for believing that money will disrupt my spiritual life for it is You and You alone whom I allow to influence my spirituality. I have chosen to receive Your Wonderful Counsel in the cool of the day (Isa. 9:6; Gen. 3:8) as I encounter You in my quiet time. It is You who keeps me on track and reveals dangerous attitudes and actions which I am to avoid.

You have given me unique gifts, and a passion to multiply talents, mastering area after area. Every vocation and skill I have is part of my spiritual life, and taking time to master EVERY area You place before me is part of my spirituality. In no way is it secular. So I will take the time to master each area acknowledging these areas are part of Your Kingdom.

I repent for believing I am not gifted enough to be prosperous. The truth is, it is the hearing and obeying of Your voice that causes blessings to be released in my life (Deut. 28:1-14 NKJV). Your wisdom and anointing overcome every natural limitation. You have placed within me a vision for my destiny (Gen. 12:1-3; Prov. 29:18). You have instilled the passion and gifts to bring it forth (Rom. 12:6). I honor and receive each of these, and know that by following them, financial blessing will flow. Thank You, Lord. Explore Creative Prayer.

Breaking off financial curses

I break all word curses (hexes, incantations and witchcraft prayers) spoken over me by myself or others concerning money. I bind and rebuke all evil spirits that connected with these experiences and gained a foothold in my life. I break all agreement with any imaginations of financial lack. Poverty has no place within me! Demonic forces, be gone now in Jesus' name! I declare that the lack the enemy envisions for me will not prevail over the ability of Almighty God to bless and prosper me!

Part 2 - Achieving Financial Freedom through Cleansing of Past Memories


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Christabell's picture

Thank you so much Mark for these prayers, just by doing the first part, I realised that I have been guilty all along for undermining the power of God by thinking having too much money is not good or that it will distract my spiritual life, I continue to repent and trusting God for a great wealth in my life from now on, poverty will be the thing of the past. You have really opened my eyes. Remain blessed. Christabell.

Anonymous's picture

Thank you for this 3 part series. I have been praying these over my life and am seeing so much abundance I believe it !!! Getting blessings in every area of need from desiring to getting in shape and having equipment given to me. To having so much food giving it away and more keeps coming. Its not just the scraps either.. Its soo good high quality abundance. Thank you for directing me to change my perspective. Break off ungodly thinking.. And heal past sins..
I am so blessed by all your teachings.

Anonymous's picture

Thankyou for this prayer. I learned alot. I didnt realise till I read the prayer that I did believe I wasn't gifted enough to be prosperous.
Now I want to invest in myself to develop my talents to help others and to gain financial benefits.

Sharon Hay

Anonymous's picture

This is absolutely perfect timing!
My husband was given a God-idea. He began praying about it. God softened my heart and I set up an appointment with the realtor to see a few buildings. Two nights before viewing I had a dream of one of the buildings we would see. We looked at the building and sure enough, much was like my dream. We realized this could be a million dollar project to complete though. As I write we are 'rubbing pennies together' to keep food on the table. So why this if we're barely making it? (Rejoice with me, because He is bringing us out of the land of Egypt!!) We have been tested, humbled and proved. He knows our hearts and now He is moving us into the land flowing with milk and honey!
We believe all His promises are for us! Today we understand that we need to fight for it Spiritually. Thank you, Mark!!

Today was also my first experience hearing a word of a prophetic gesture. I heard the Lord say, "Go, knock on the doors of the building and declare, "Thus sayeth the Lord, knock and it shall be opened unto you." I did this to the three entry doors. I'm so excited to see what the Lord does!

Thank you, Mark, for this lesson. Looking forward to the next two!


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Results 161 - 170 of 485


Contributing Strands Worksheet

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 8 Pages

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Overcoming Blocks and Hindrances to Hearing God's Voice Tract (10-pack)

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(This tract is sold in bundles of 10 for $1.00.)

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Prayers That Heal the Heart Cards

Prayers That Heal the Heart Cards (100 pack)

Wallet size cards for hand outs

Sometimes you just want to put something into someone's hand that will point them in the right direction. You know they are hurting, and you want to help. This Prayers that Heal the Heart wallet size card is perfect to leave for people to pick up, or to hand to people.

To receive up to 25 free, do not add to your cart! Just choose a quantity of "Free Gift #2" at checkout. To purchase more than 25, add to cart here.

Price: $5.00
You Can Hear God's Voice Tract

You Can Hear God's Voice Tract (10-pack)

by Mark Virkler | 1 Page Tract | Bundles of 10

A simple review of the four keys to hearing God's voice, on one single page, front and back. Easy to hand out to another to get them interested in hearing God's voice. Nice for your own personal review.  This tract can be downloaded freely, or purchased for 10 copies for $1.00.

Price: $1.00

7 Step Healing Model Cards (100 pack)

by Mark Virkler

Request up to 25 of the 7 Steps wallet cards FREE with every order you place! (Excluding download-only orders.) Just specify how many you would like when checking out in the shopping cart. 

To receive up to 25 free, do not add to your cart! Just choose a quantity of your "Free Gift" at checkout. To purchase more than 25, add to cart here.

Price: $5.00
Hear God Through Your Dreams cards

Hear God Through Your Dreams Cards (100-pack)

Wallet size cards for handouts

Request up to 25 of the dreams cards FREE with every order you place! (Excluding download-only orders.) Just specify how many you would like when checking out in the shopping cart. Spread the good news that God is still giving wise counsel through dreams at night, and His counsel is free!

To receive up to 25 free, do not add to your cart! Just choose a quantity of your "Free Gift" at checkout. To purchase more than 25, add to cart here.

Price: $5.00

LEARN How Do YOU Know?

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 40 pages

This Life Enrichment And Review Notebook follows the audio/video series exactly, allowing you to see the key points being made and fill in answers as you go along. Writing notes always deepens the learning experience. In addition you will be encouraged to write out key Scriptures and hear what the Lord wants to say to you personally through two-way journaling exercises.

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LEARN Overflow of the Spirit Workbook Cover

LEARN Overflow of the Spirit

50 Pages | by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

This 50-page LEARN Workbook is designed to be filled in while listening to the audio/video teaching on Overflow of the Spirit. Mark and Charity have teamed up again to create a training series on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

Price: $6.95

LEARN Rivers of Grace

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 20 Pages

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LEARN Spirit-Anointed Teaching

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 23 Pages

This 23-page Life Enrichment And Review Notebook is designed to go along with the CD/ DVD series and/or PowerPoint presentation. If receiving training in a group, we highly recommend that EVERY member of the group have their own copy. It offers you the following four benefits:

Price: $4.95
