7 Actions to Take When Evil Leaders Are Destroying My World

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Who rules? God? Congress? The World Economic Forum? Evil bureaucrats? Jesus was at peace in the midst of the evil Roman Empire. Why? Because His eyes were fixed on His Heavenly Father, and He did only what He saw and heard His Father doing (Jn. 5:19,20,30).

You and I can be at peace in the midst of the evil that has reared its ugly head, or we can gaze upon it in fear and fright and anger and hopelessness. Not much of a choice is it? Fear, anger, and hopelessness turn off my immune system allowing a sickness to advance, plus they destroy my Kingdom realities of joy and peace (Rom. 14:17).

Here are two short blogs I went back and re-read because I needed to hear the truths so I could be established once again in faith.

  1. Get Your Eyes Off Evil Men - Be at Peace! No More Depression!
  2. I think Psalm 10 was written just this week

Seven actions to take when evil men are destroying my world and trying to take me captive

  1. I will personalize God’s promises in the Scriptures in the above two blogs and pray and speak them aloud over myself and my nation.
  2. I will live in faith, hope and love (1 Cor. 13:13) so others are attracted to the Christ they see in me.
  3. I will support those fighting on the front lines. I will contact my congressperson and I will register and vote. I will ask God how I am to support the righteous in my nation.
  4. I will take whatever leadership role God is asking me to take. Yes, stepping out and taking a leadership role and declaring truth comes with its challenges. First, since I am in a war, I will be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove (Matt. 10:16). I can receive strategies from God which are winning strategies and enact them. Here is a current lawsuit against the government that is the mother of all lawsuits and will go down in history, and here is an example of strong godly leadership in a U.S. university.

The Bible declares that when the righteous are in control the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule the people mourn (Prov. 29:2 KJV). YEP! We are mourning right now because the wicked are in control. OK, pastors, call your people into full-time ministries as leaders in governing positions throughout your cities, states, and nations (Rom. 13:4). It is part of discipling nations (Matt. 28:19 NASB). For heaven’s sake, don’t let anyone with ungodly principles train your children. Homeschool them or put them in a Spirit-filled training institution.

  1. I will encourage my brothers and sisters in the Lord to stand strong in faith, believing our God rules, that of the increase of His government there will be no end and it is the ZEAL OF THE LORD THAT WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS (Isa. 9:7)! Obviously, this verse means satans’ government is constantly decreasing and coming to an end. I choose to believe Isaiah 9:7, see it accomplished, speak it as God’s reality, and act in agreement with it.

This allows me to become a co-creator with my God in bringing the increase of God’s government into manifestation in my world. This is so much better than being a co-creator with satan, believing for, seeing and acting as if his kingdom is increasing rather than God’s kingdom increasing. (Yes, the Bible does talk about an increase of evil at the end of the age, but WHAT age is it referring to? Many Church historians believe it was referring to 70 AD when Rome totally destroyed Jerusalem, as that became the climactic end of the Old Testament Age (see Appendix B of Paradise Restored). Obviously, Jesus introduced the new age, the Church Age at His death and resurrection.}

  1. I will bring revival to the Church by teaching all believers to hear God’s voice. My sheep hear My voice (Jn. 10:27). Hearing God’s voice brings revival to the individual’s life, the church life and reformation to the nation, and is instrumental in removing the wickedness we currently see in some churches.
  2. I will fear God and NOT man (2 Tim. 1:7). I will NOT be silent. Whether it is right to obey man or God, you judge (Acts 5:29). I know God can and will demolish the wicked through the many means at His disposal, and He will undergird the righteous (Deut. 28; 2 Thess. 1:6).


Lord, I choose to disciple nations through the anointing of Your Spirit working in and through me, granting me faith, wisdom and authority far beyond my natural abilities. You may call me and use me to disciple my nation. I am listening and will obey.

Scriptures to meditate on - to build faith and hope that God rules, rewarding righteousness and destroying evil: Ps. 34:12-22; 94:22,23; 7:10-17; 57:6; Isa. 25; Ps. 35; Ps. 46:4-11; Ps. 125:1-5; Isa. 35.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?! (Rom 8:31)

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4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Teacher's Guide eBook

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Hear God Through Your Dreams PowerPoint Download

by Mark Virkler

If you are teaching the course Hear God Through Your Dreams, then these 18 PowerPoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. 


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