49 Lies Translated and Printed in Russian by Alexey Bogdanov

Mark Virkler's picture

I (Alexey Bogdanov) first came across 49 Lies about six years ago. Although I had been a Christian for over twenty-seven years, I had not fully realized that faith was not just the knowledge of the right doctrines in my mind, but the work of God's Holy Spirit and the living Word in my spiritual heart. 

My testimony is here: www.cwgministries.org/blogs/father-son-and-holy-bible

In my Christian experience, I had fallen many times, I experienced rejection, disappointment, and depression. My heart has experienced states where it has become heavy and broken.

When we lived in Ireland, I found Mark Virkler's testimony about living faith on the internet. It really touched me and my faith began to come alive... With the help of my wife and Mark, I went through a course of deliverance and started dialoguing with God and writing my first notebook (today I have more than 10 notebooks altogether). At that time I did not yet speak in tongues, or better to say, was not baptized in any degree of the Holy Spirit.

The first time we got the book 49 Lies, it was in my desperation to find true faith that can move God. At that time my spiritual heart was broken, but through that book, I got a lot of hope and light for restoration to trust God again. When my hunger was so overwhelming I realized that what I believed and taught was not all true. I started to see and experience life and felt a small measure of the flow of the Holy Spirit from time to time. After experiencing the tangible flow while I was dialoguing I got hungry for more of God.

When we moved to Hungary in 2015, I still did not speak in tongues. My church leadership taught me to despise this gift, so I also preached and taught against it. But one day everything changed. After reading the booklet about “How to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit” I got my prayer language and started speaking in tongues at home. I believe I just entered the beginning stage of being filled with the Spirit. I still desire a deeper measure of that peace that goes above my understanding. Great opposition came in my church. I wasn’t allowed to preach and share anymore from the pulpit. I am still not welcome.

One day while I was walking to the lake here in Orbottyan, Hungary with my family, God suddenly spoke to me directly into my heart and gave me the steadfast idea of translating the book into Russian. It didn't happen quickly; it took about two years... It was not easy for me to translate this book into Russian. I prayed for every page, and the work was on-going. Whenever I stopped to pray I experienced much pressure from the demonic world. Whenever I continued to pray, I got the ability to continue and I felt the Spirit.

Vision…to reach more than 7000 churches in Russia

The vision I believe the Lord put in my heart for this book 49 Lies... is 1,000,000 copies! Of course, without God, to do that is impossible, but with Him and a spiritual team together it could be a reality. Once God told me in a dialogue: “Vision is the most valuable possession of all. If you break down your vision in more detail, specific tasks, and see it with the eyes of your heart, it will lead to your main goal - this way it can be done...”

If you have a burden for Russia and Russian speakers, please pray for this project in the Spirit, and let’s connect: alexeib7@gmail.com.

  • The first 100 copies of the book in Russian were just printed. These are still in the print shop in St. Petersburg. I am in Hungary. Looking for a way to safely move these books, store them and start sales. With the books, I plan to offer personal training one-on-one and also in groups.
  • There is an open online database of 7,428 churches at http://map.drevolife.ru/ I would like to reach them by way of emailing. Work out a system of collecting orders. Another way would be using a site that sells professional mailing tools, https://www.epochta.ru/products/mailer/. A third possibility would be to build a mailing list database from scratch, using another site https://www.unisender.com/ru/prices/.
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