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Anointed One - Journaling

I am your Christ, your anointed one,

the Messiah whom the Father has anointed as head over His body,

so that all the fullness of the godhead might dwell in His body

 and manifest the nature and the power of the living Lord!

The oil is fragrant and an offering of worship that delights the Fathers heart,

but it is also the offering of His heart,

the offering of His nature,

the offering of His power,

to bring My body into the fullness and revelation of its spiritual inheritance.

As the oil was poured on Aarons head and flowed down over his robes,

so My Father has anointed Me, His Son,

so that the anointing oil might flow down over my garments,

the garments that clothe My body, seeping into them, permeating them,

and flowing right down to the hem,

to the lowest place that none might miss being clothed and endued with an anointing from on high.

You have smelled its fragrance.

You have cupped your hands to catch its flow

and you have wondered why it slips through your fingers

                   leaving but a fleeting impression of the Spirits presence.


You cry out for more,

your hearts having once tasted, hungering for a fullness,

longing to be clothed from on high.

My anointing does not come and go.

It flows continually from my head to cover each one of you.

But notice my children, how Aaron was clothed,

for the oil of his anointing touched not his flesh,


neither, my children, can my anointing rest upon your flesh.

The flesh is at war with the spirit and the anointing cannot rest upon the flesh.

The flesh must be put to death.

The anointing rests upon the garments that cover the flesh,

for the anointing brings life and power.


What garments are you wearing tonight, child of mine?

Seek not the clothing of this world, the designer world of self-esteem and self-elevation, of self-righteousness and self-importance.

Seek the garments I have prepared for you.

Having washed yourselves in the blood of the Lamb,

Clothe yourselves with garments of praise.

Clothe yourselves with humility and obedience.

Clothe yourselves with compassion.

Seek not to place your hands upon My head.

The hand of My Fathers blessing rests there.

Neither seek to grab My hand and place it upon your head,

although your need is great.


Rather be like the woman with the issue of blood,

who, having sought the answers of the world and come to the end of herself,

risked all by falling on her knees in the midst of the crowd

and, stretching her hand toward the hem of My garment,

touched the anointing of heaven for herself.


You cannot enter fully into My purposes for you without My anointing.

Aaron wore many layers of clothes.

They were made to fit his body, his height, his girth.

The garments of praise and the garments of humility and

the garments of righteousness and the garments of compassion are prepared for you.

As you each clothe yourselves individually,

you will join and become one in My name.

And as you join together you will become a seamless garment

upon which the oil of the anointing will flow.

It was by impartation that the sons of Aaron received their anointing,

an impartation that seeped into them as they put on their fathers priestly garments.

It was by impartation from the mantle of Elijah that Elisha received his double portion,

but first he rent his own clothes in two

so that nothing of himself would hinder the anointing.


Will you rend your clothes, the clothes of self-effort and striving?

Will you rend the garments that cover your fears and your shame,

your confusion and your uncertainties?


For I have washed you whiter than snow.

Take off the cloak of shame and

put on the robe of righteousness.


Join together in gentleness and understanding.

Give honour and forgiveness one to another.

Be those who build up and encourage and comfort.

Let the garment I would wrap you in become seamless

with nothing, absolutely nothing,

 hindering the flow of My anointing.


For there, My beloved, My Father commands His blessing!


Heather Johnson


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