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Western Study vs. Biblical Meditation



"Application of the mental faculties 
to the acquisition of knowledge" (Webster)



Study (My use of one part of one hemisphere of my brain)

  1. Is nowhere endorsed in Scripture (II Tim. 2:15 is a mis-translation in the KJV Bible).

  2. Is self in action (Humanism - a false god).

  3. Is self using reason (Rationalism - a false god).

  4. Results in wisdom from below - earthly, natural, demonic (Jas. 3:15). For example, reason caused Peter to be at odds with the purposes of God (Jn. 18:10,11).

Study violates the following biblical principles:

  1. Gal. 2:20 - I resurrect self, which no longer lives.

  2. Rom. 12:1 - I am using my faculties rather than presenting them to God to use.

  3. Is. 1:18 - I'm reasoning, rather than reasoning together with God.

  4. Gen. 3:5 - I've fallen prey to the temptation of the Garden of Eden that "I can know good and evil."



"To murmur; to converse with oneself, and hence aloud; speak; talk; babbling; communication; mutter; roar; mourn; a murmuring sound; i. e., a musical notation; to study; to ponder; revolve in the mind; imagine; pray; prayer; reflection; devotion" (Strong's Exhaustive Concordance *Old Testament: 1897, 1900, 1901, 1902, 7878, 7879, 7881; New Testament: 3191, 4304 )

Meditation (God's use of every part of both hemispheres of my brain as He fills and flows out through my heart by His Spirit)

  1. Approximately 68 verses (See listing here).

  2. Is God in action within the individual.

  3. Is God granting revelation through the heart and mind which has been yielded to Him.

  4. Results in wisdom from above - pure, peaceable, gentle (Jas. 3:17).

Meditation applies the following biblical principles:

  1. Gal. 2:20 - I let Christ live through me.

  2. Rom. 12:1 - I am yielding my outer faculties to the indwelling Spirit (i. e., to "flow" - Jn. 7:38).

  3. Is. 11:2 When reasoning together with God, I receive a spirit of wisdom and understanding and knowledge.

  4. Jn. 5:19,20,30 - I'm living as Jesus did, out of divine initiative, doing what I see and hear my Father doing.

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Blogs On Meditation and Using the Eyes of Your Heart as You Approach God

  1. How to Meditate on Scripture & Receive Life-Transforming Revelation
  2. Hebrew and Greek Definitions of Meditation
  3. Western Study Versus Biblical Meditation
  4. 7 Step Meditation Process Explored
  5. 7 Step Meditation Bookmark (shown at right)
  6. Healing Scriptures for Meditation
  7. 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice
  8. What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
  9. You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
  10. Poised Before Almighty God
  11. Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
  12. Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
  13. Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
  14. Protestantism's 500-Year-Old  Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
  15. Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
  16. How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

Books And Courses On Meditation And Spiritual Formation

  1. Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation book
  2. Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God ebook
  3. The Art of Biblical Meditation Interactive Online Course from School of the Spirit
  4. Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
  5. Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
  6. Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
  7. Book  - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
  8. Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
  9. Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
  10. Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge by Mark and Patti Virkler – an alternative to traditional hermeneutics.
  11. The Great Mystery – Christ in You by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores all New Testament verses that describe what Jesus provides for you through His indwelling Spirit.
  12. How to Walk by the Spirit by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores Scriptures concerning the heart
  13. Intimacy with the Holy Spirit by Mark and Patti Virkler– Explores Scriptures concerning the Holy Spirit
  14. How Do You Know? by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores hundreds of verses which reveal God’s prescribed methodology for discovering truth.





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Complete Library of Virkler PDF Ebooks (Not All Items Pictured)

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Benefit from 40+ years of teachings by Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler! They are passionate to lead you into Spirit-anointed living by providing biblically-based, real life, "how to" training on Christian spirituality. Their down-to-earth teachings are perfect for personal and small group training experiences. This is an ideal library of materials for your home and family! 

Price: $449.00
Complete Library of Virkler Video Downloads (Not All Items Pictured)

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Benefit from 40+ years of teachings by Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler! They are passionate to lead you into Spirit-anointed living by providing biblically-based, real life, "how to" training on Christian spirituality. Their down-to-earth teachings are perfect for personal and small group training experiences. This is an ideal library of materials for your home and family!

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Outstanding tools to promote your event! This package includes: 10 LEARN Counseled By God Notebooks plus a CD-ROM packed with promotional items and several PowerPoint teachings which cover two of the chapters of the book.

Price: $50.00

Hear God Through Your Dreams Group Leader Bonus Resources

10 books, 50 cards, CD-ROM

Outstanding tools to promote your event! This package includes: 10 Hear God Through Your Dreams books; 50 “Dreams” hand-out cards, plus a CD-ROM packed with promotional items and a teaching PowerPoint with 18 slides.

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How Could I Have Been So Wrong? MP3 Download Package

Mark Virkler | 80 Page PDF eBook | 16 MP3 Sessions

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I was NOT supposed to have a cardiac event. I ate a healthy diet, exercised several times a week, consumed lots of great nutrition and sought to live destressed by abiding in Christ. This story contains the lessons I learned in the months of healing after having emergency surgery which involved five heart bypasses.

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Price: $80.00

Prayers That Heal the Heart PowerPoint

by Mark Virkler | 1 Disc

If you are teaching the course Prayers That Heal the Heart, then these 181 Powerpoint slides on CD-ROM will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive.

The PowerPoint series follows the Prayers That Heal the Heart book and LEARN notebook, so you will want each of your students to have a copy of the LEARN notebook, and each family should have a copy of the full textbook. 

Price: $19.95
Prayers That Heal the Heart PowerPoint Download

Prayers That Heal the Heart PowerPoint Download

by Mark Virkler

If you are teaching the course Prayers That Heal the Heart, then these 181 Powerpoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive.

The PowerPoint series follows the Prayers That Heal the Heart book and LEARN notebook, so you will want each of your students to have a copy of the LEARN notebook, and each family should have a copy of the full textbook. 

Price: $19.95
