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Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings - You CAN Walk in Divine Health!

Mark Virkler's picture

God has appointed … miracles, then gifts of healings (I Cor. 12:28)

Question: I have been told that if I pray more than once for a miracle, then I have a lack of faith and I will not receive anything. Is this true? I have also heard that you must thank God for your miracle even before you see it as an expression of your faith. But what am I supposed to do if the miracle doesn't happen even when I thank God for my healing? If I am not healed when I ask or when someone else lays hands on me, does that mean God isn’t going to heal me for some reason? If I don’t believe that sickness is God’s will for me, and I am not miraculously, instantaneously healed, what can I do?

Answer: We are convinced that it is God’s will that His children walk in health and live long enough to fulfill the destiny for which they were created. And it seems that nearly every Christian has compassion on the sick and suffering, and longs to be used to bring the healing power of God to restore the hurting. We rejoice that we have witnessed the supernatural manifestation of the Spirit bring relief and healing to many, many people. We consider such instantaneous healings “miracles.” However, we have also watched in sorrow as those we love continue to suffer and even die, in spite of our fervent prayers of faith. It is clear that there must also be “gifts of healings” (1 Cor. 12:28) that are available for those who have not received a miracle.

After exploring the areas of health and healing for 30 years, reading hundreds of books on the topic, and writing six of our own, we would like to offer you the healing approaches we have found that have worked in our own lives. The bottom line is, there are many causes of sickness and there are many ways to get healed.  We have taken one year to summarize our findings, and during the next few weeks, I will be sharing what we have learned in my blogs. I hope to present them in a way that will help you quickly discover the root cause(s) of your infirmity, remove them and walk in divine health.

Do you have a friend or loved one who needs healing? They would be blessed if you forwarded this blog to them!

When I poll groups, over 90% (sometimes 100%) admit they are aware of sickness or weakness in their body. 70% of all Americans are on at least one prescribed medicine. Wow! So everyone needs healing.

At 61, both Patti and I are walking in wonderful health and not on any prescribed medications (which was not true 30 years ago), nor are our children. We are so grateful for the grace and mercy of God, and we do not take His gift lightly. We feel a responsibility to learn and follow the laws which God has put in place for our health, and now we want to share what we have learned. Won’t you apply these truths to yourself and pass them on as a gift to your friends? Let's see the Church walk in the divine health God has ordained for Her. Let’s get healthy!

We want to offer you simple, effective, spiritual keys for walking in divine health.  I trust you will agree that these blogs and downloads will offer a concise means for activating God’s healing power for our bodies, souls and spirits.

Action Steps

Do you want to become more effective in praying for healing for others? Do you have a health need in your own life? Do you have any friends who would also like to explore the gifts of miracles and healings with you? Do you have any friends who are sick and need a touch from the Lord?

Why not take the next couple of months to really focus on learning and understanding the principles of how to walk in divine health, and bring some friends along with you? Get together regularly and work with the information and instructions in the blogs. Pray all the prayers. Apply all the principles. See your health improve until you are completely well. And watch as the Spirit of the Lord is released through you more frequently and more powerfully to heal others.

Patti and I have spent four years ourselves exploring health, pretty much full time, and health has been a part time hobby the remainder of the last 30 years of our lives. We see the penalty people pay when they ignore their health so we choose to do everything in our power to not have to pay that high cost.

Won’t you take the time to explore health and healing yourself? The increased quality of life will be yours and your loved ones. YOU are responsible for walking in God's laws concerning divine health. Don't think you can abdicate your responsibility of walking in divine health to anyone else. It is your responsibility. So let's explore, seek and receive God's revelation concerning how to walk in vibrant health and draw upon God's revelation and healing grace available through divine miracles and gifts of healings!

Let’s Get Started Today!

We’ll begin with "Miracles - 7 Step Model," which has resulted in instantaneous healings for many. You can download the files below and get started with a group right away, practicing the truths presented as you pray for one another. Listen to the streaming audio together (viewing the related PowerPoints as you do), and follow along with the instructions for praying together.

Previous blogs have included a revelation-based meditation of "Energeo," which is one of the Greek New Testament words for "power." Energeo is God's "active energy" which flows through our hands as we lay them on the sick and see them recover. We want to understand this power from God as thoroughly as possible so in this blog we will explore every occurrence of energeo in the Bible.  

Then we will move on to an exploration of "Gifts of Healings.” We will look at an additional 20+ ways God may choose to use in restoring us to health. This blog will provide extensive hyperlinks so you can research any healing modality that you choose. Then we will offer a simple one-page summary which you can use to select and apply the appropriate "gift" of healing to your need.  We have personally tried and found these 20+ "Gifts of Healings" to be beneficial in bringing healing in our own lives as well as the lives of others.

Finally, we will talk about "How to Keep Your Healing," exploring the two most common reasons people lose their healings, and what to do to make sure you keep your healing.

We pray that the tools we offer will help you discover the path you need to take to expedite your personal healing. The information provided in these pages has been proven in our own lives and we pray it will be a help to you.

Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?

Free Summary Cards - Use and Share!

7 Step Healing Model

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            Click Here to Order This Card

4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice Card

                                   Click Here to Order This Card

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