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Gifts of Healings - 7 Step Model

Mark Virkler's picture
We want to walk in divine health! God promised it to us: "With His stripes we are healed" (Isa. 53:5 KJV). We have a covenant of health with the Lord. "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer" (Ex. 15:26). Below is the process I have come to use to become healthy and remain healthy. Click here for a printable version of this file.

Gifts of Healings - 7 Step Model

  1. Use the Miracles - 7 Step Model” repeatedly until/unless the Lord says to stop.
  2. Intensely Search Out, Discover and Remove Root Cause(s): Ask, “Lord, when did this begin? What happened in my life just before this infirmity struck? Lord, what are the spiritual roots of this infirmity? Show me where in my life there is any fear, hopelessness, anger or disobedience to Your commands (Ex. 15:26). Do I need to adjust my diet to a healthier diet, increase exercise, and take any specific nutrition to provide the resources for my body to heal in this specific area? Should I fast and cleanse? Lord, are there generational curses, word curses, witchcraft, unbiblical beliefs, inner vows, soul ties or traumatic events in my past which need inner healing?” Click here for a free downloadable 15-page file which explores in some depth more than 20 ways we have discovered that God uses to restore health.
  • Hear from God Yourself: Remember that God answers you using spontaneous thoughts, pictures and emotions, so honor these as “words of knowledge” and respond with the appropriate prayers which will resolve what He is showing you.
  • Hear from God through Others: When answering the above questions, you can acquire additional insight by asking your spiritual health advisors for input. I would recommend advisors who together have skill in various areas, including the prayer ministries of inner healing, deliverance and divine healing, as well as advisors trained in herbology, nutrition, cleansing and a skilled naturopath. Muscle Response Testing can also provide answers to the root cause of an infirmity.
  • Websites and Books Can Serve as Counselors: Utilize the “search boxes” on the following websites by typing in the name of the illness or infirmity: Josh Axe. Life Extension, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Schulze and GreenMedInfo (typing in name of the infirmity you are seeking solutions for). Also, you can look up a specific infirmity in the index in the books A More Excellent Way and Prescription for Nutritional Healing.
  • Forgive ALL: “Lord, who do I need to forgive?” Take any names or faces that flow into your mind, picture them and state: “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you, and choose to honor you, to bless you and to release you.” Forgiving yourself is also an essential key to releasing divine health.
  1. Cast out Demons: Pray through prayers listed in a “Contributing Strands Worksheet” removing demons’ anchors and identifying their names. Command all demons to leave in Jesus’ name. Include demons of unforgiveness, resentment, anger, hatred and rage, spirit of infirmity (name specific sickness), spirit of death, etc. Repeat commands several times, while seeing Jesus driving them out. Expect to sense a release as the demons leave. Get someone to pray deliverance prayer over you.
  2. Restore Damaged Body Parts: Lay your hand on the damaged area and lovingly command: “All damaged cells, be restored to your normal God-given function in Jesus’ name.” For example: command the organ to align properly with the manner God created it to function; for hormones, enzymes, neuro-networks, cells to function and align with God’s purposes; for DNA to be cleansed of infirmity; for muscles, bones, etc. to be repaired.
  3. Receive a Soaking Healing Prayer Treatment: Have your friends sit around you for 20 minutes, laying their hands on you (for the full 20 minutes) and going through all the above healing prayer steps with you, as they soak you in God’s healing rays.
  4. Seek a Greater Manifestation of God’s Presence and Power by losing yourself in spiritual worship. Spiritual worship often includes worshipping in tongues, seeing God’s presence with the eyes of your heart, hearing from the Holy Spirit with the ears of your heart and losing yourself in Him. Then, when surrounded by His glorious presence, command the healing in Jesus’ name. Include warfare praise as needed, destroying satan’s work and extending God’s kingdom.
  5. Accept in Peace Where You Are, While You Hold to a Vision of Full Restoration – Health and healing are often a process. God is with us in the process, strengthening and guiding and sustaining, so continue to worship Him and release all to Him during the healing process. Say out loud, "I unconditionally love and accept myself, and accept where I am on this journey" (1 Cor. 4:4).

Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?


Related Blogs: 

Gifts of Healings   
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